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I'm A Rape Victim!


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The FBI has updated its definition of rape for the first time in 83 years, to include men and those who do not physically resist as victims.


The new definition will increase the number of people counted as rape victims in FBI statistics, but it will not change federal or state laws.


Lawmakers use those statistics to allocate resources for prevention and victim assistance.


Many US states have already adopted a wider definition of rape.


Previously, the FBI defined the crime of rape as "the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will".


The new definition removes the reference to females and says rape is "the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object" without the consent of the victim.


Also specified is "oral penetration by a sex organ of another person" without consent.


I need to be held. :(

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If some redneck called 'Bubba' bent you over in a jail cell in 1990, I'm pretty confident that the crime was classed as 'rape' long before the FBI decided to update their 19th Century thinking. In Oz, all such crimes now seem to come under the umbrella of 'sexual assault', and I think that's a much better term - it carries the implication that rape is about power, not passion, and that victims are physically and mentally damaged as a result. I dont have a problem with rape fantasy, but the reality is a lot nastier - not being PC, just saying its hideous that the FBI have taken this long to acknowledge the blindingly obvious, although J. Edgar seemed to have a few issues about whether he was a man or a woman .....

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