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Anyone Got A 3D Printer ?


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Google 'criminals and 3D printing' - early days yet, but its clear that they can see the potential of being able to build a replica from a design without the need for a machine shop or someone with the skills to use that machine shop. I dont think the medium (nylon ?) is sufficiently strong to make weapons per se, but you can build a larger clip for an existing weapon:




To me, it seems like a forgers wet dream, even if the technology still has a way to go before you can start printing drivers' licences etc. Its old news that organised crims and assorted other predators can gather a mountain of info from social networking sites and use it for their own nefarious purposes - with the right bots and some clever coding, you could automate identity theft on an industrial scale. ATM skimming is so passe - the Russian mob isnt going to waste time with small bikkies when they can be selling complete identities at tens of thousands each. Need a 'passport' to show the boys in brown if they stop you in the street ? No problem.


Welcome home, Mr Cobb.



We have one at work. Cool toy as long as you super good cad programs of what you want built. Remember, it is not a copier.


Most weapons you would want have explosives, chemicals, and moving parts. Some 3Dp can do parts that will move, but not a motor and deff not springs or chemicals.



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