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Length of hair in LOS schools ???


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A few months ago our oldest daughter (10) returned from school crying, the teacher thought her hair was too long and had cut a big ugly tuft off to induce her to get a hair cut. When I went to talk to the teacher she apologized (she usually makes only a small snip said she) and told me all girls up to the 6th grade must have short hair.


The exception was four girls: one was the daughter of a local politician, the other a ?beauty queen? (her father drives a ?motorcycle taxi? at the train station) the third the daughter of a policeman and the fourth was the lead dancer in school exhibition shows and only 9 years old and to be honest very pretty.


I was tempted to say that the daughter of a farang certainly had a higher status than those four but ??.


Before you ask, I?ll tell you that I often pick up the girls at school to go to dinner or shopping so I get to see almost all of the kids


The school principal told me the reason was that long hair promotes head lice.


The provincial school ?boss? could only tell me that they must have short hair and refused to tell me or did not know if it was a regulation in the books, a province practice or just at the discretion of the principal.


When I pointed out that right here in the province capital there are scores of school children with long hair he told me they must be going to private school!!!!




Can someone tell me what the real story is?


No speculation please, just the facts if you know them


As the school is about to open in a few days I would like my daughter to keep her longish hair and not cut them off and look like a boy.






Kao Boy



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I don't know if it is a written regulation or not, all I can say is that in the upcountry school my wife's daughter goes to, all the girls have short hair. On children's day this year, I sat through a dance routine for every class, and every single girl had very short hair.


My wife says it is required. Unless you are a large benefactor of the school, you will probably lose this one.



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?My wife says it is required. Unless you are a large benefactor of the school, you will probably lose this one.?




In a way I am a benefactor, having being the ?official? videographer of all major school parades and shows, I donated 3,000 Baht (with my wife?s ?urging?) for the last 2 years athletic competition when others were donating cookies and food certificates,we buy our car and bike insurance from one of the teachers and at the principal?s request I brought back videos from my country for the kids to watch. And I have been asked many times to talk English to the kids in the English class.


I guess this is not beneficial enough coming from a farang.





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?I thought it was done to discourage vanity, rather than headlice.?




You thought?


You also thought that you could help me out with my ?problem? 3 years ago.


And you know what, you did!!


Yes I am still here and yes still with Lek.


You are the one person responsible for me living in Thailand and been happily married to the most wonderful and the most beautiful Thai lady.


Heck in a way you are also responsible for our 4 month old Elizabeth (you have not been to Srisaket last year, have you?)





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And so in fact, in public schools, students have short hair. My wife's sisters are still in high school and they get clipped back in front of the house every couple of months. My wife who is finishing her high school in sort of a night school, has to wear a student dress and put her hair up as if it were short whenever she has a formal meeting with her teacher or goes to take an exam. That's life in the big city (or small village for that matter).





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Yup just to confirm as above.




It is standard policy for a lot of schools to have standard "bob" style hair cuts for the girls and even a standard cut for boys as well to stop the vanity thing getting out of hand. ( Now of course its what type of hair grip and where you put it on your head that marks who is the coolest. So nice try but no banana to stop jealousy )




But with any policy there are exceptions and differences in each school ie some only do it for Mathiyom 1-4. Some start in Prathom etc




I always wondered why so many girls had the same haircut until I found this out a few weeks ago.

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Yes I am still here and yes still with Lek.




Hey, me too! Just that I'm not quite so enthusiastic about that latter fact, and the first part looks very like ending soon!




Where have you been, man, well, Srisaket, I suppose!? Last time I heard from you was on asfo when you were recovering from falling through the roof! You never did finish your stories, will you write them here? I am sure you have some good yarns to add to Cent's Issan tales!




Contact me offlist if you get the chance, same old address.





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