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Web cam at her place: good or bad idea?


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It's been 12 days now since I am back from LOS. During my week there, my (ex-bg) gf asked me to install a web cam at her place (which is, in fact, my place) so that we can see and talk to each other.




12 days later, it's a most importanty part of any day. 2 hours in the morning, 3-4 hours in the evening. Cost: next to nothing.


Even over a dial-up connection, the sound is of near mobile phone quality. Pictures refresh every second.




However, was it a good idea to install the thing? Without it I could think of other things during the day. Not any more.




I have never been in prison but the feeling over the web cam must be comparable to what inmates feel when they have wifes/gfs to visit them and can talk through that glass. See, talk but no touching.

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COULD turn into a bad idea, if someone pisses their girlfriend off, and she decides to treat the guy to a video performance of her with her NEW boyfriend. smile.gif

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[color:blue]COULD turn into a bad idea, if someone pisses their girlfriend off, and she decides to treat the guy to a video performance of her with her NEW boyfriend.color=blue>




Such a scheeme could backfire rather badly. Just consider that the bloke records the session and puts it up on internet for others to enjoy.











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"Such a scheeme could backfire rather badly. Just consider that the bloke records the session and puts it up on internet for others to enjoy."




That's known as "free advertising." smile.gif

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There is one basic reason why it was a bad idea: with the cam, I miss her even more.




I am just off the 2 hours session (every 12 hours) and it almost feels like saying good buye when leaving LOS.


I did not count on that.




What other posters are suggesting - those angles have been covered, I am not worried about that.




There is a "devil" in the computer that monitors all the action, takes screen shots every 3 minutes, runs unnoticed. And sends me an email with that report twice a day.




Captures passwords and presents them in plain text. One of her friends checked her mail from that PC and I know now what I did not want to know. Not going to use it anyway.




With the remote login capability, the PC would gou puff before any misuse takes the ground.




Off the topic:


If Internet cafes were to install that utility, all passwords for anything, bank accounts included, are presented like on a plate...




Guys, if you have given Internet access to the account to your gf in LOS, tell her not to use Internet cafes to check on it...





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Talk about knowing it all...shit wanta set me up a cam with the tech. I guess that's one way to find out if she is for real.





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As I am writing this, she is on the other side, doing preparations for her exam. Showing me on the cam what she is not sure about and I am helping her out. I take Excel spreadsheets from her share directory, correct them and send them back. Like sitting in the same room. I am going about my business while she is studying.




The cam has (many have) motion activation as well. If you really want to, you can watch her sleeping, with the cam being activated as she turns in the bed.




I guess, she was for the idea because she could not make me fully trust her. She knows about this site, Stickman, Private Dancer...and other sources that can make you not only aware but even paranoid...




The trouble is the time difference...To spend an evening with her over the web takes some job other than 9-5.




One more trouble is - end of each session brings me back to where I am. And I am not in LOS.


Could anyone stand that feeling of leaving LOS, 2-3 times each day? Well, not really, there is no physical contact, food, smell...But some grief is definitelly there.




Hope I develop some protective crust around me.



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"There is a "devil" in the computer that monitors all the action, takes screen shots every 3 minutes, runs unnoticed. And sends me an email with that report twice a day. "




whats the name of the software??



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think-too-mut... does'nt sound like you are giving yourself anytime to think... the webcam thing is fun for a while but draining... think about your time and energies, need to recuperate for your next meet in the real world.. having said that..my GF has discovered text messaging and she is so intolerant of my inabilty to instantly respond...





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