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Norway: Terror Threat Against Norway


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COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -€” Norway's intelligence service says it has received information about an imminent "concrete threat" against Norway from people with links to Islamic fighters in Syria.


Benedicte Bjoernland, the head of Norwegian security service PST, said Thursday the agency had received "reliable information" from a foreign partner about some kind of attack "within days."


"It was unspecific about what the target might be," Bjoernland said, adding PST has no information about how or when such an attack would take place. The information involves people who have ties with foreign fighters in Syria, she added.


According to PST's assessment last month, about 50 people have traveled to Syria from Norway as foreign fighters, half of whom have now returned to Norway. Bjoernland declined to give further details.






Attack Norway? WTF? :susel:

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Attack Norway? WTF? :susel:


Norway is quite an interesting country. A strong US ally,

I had the opportunity to meet the Norwegian Military Atache to the USA.


On another note.

We had some exchange students speak at the local men's club.

The 17 year old gal from Norway spoke English better then everyone in the audience. And she sure as hell looked better.

They learn English in school from day one.

College is completely paid for by the government.

Interesting country.

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I was in Copenhagen about a month ago with a foray into Sweden. The girls in Denmark were over the top gorgeous

and people were in general very polite...Crazy expensive Pad Thai 600 baht a capucino in the square on a glorious sunny

day was 12 $-I don't eat meat but I saw signs for burger specials at 22$ US-Yikes

Very sophisticated culture-Hightaxes but free education/ health care

Wonderful museums etc

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Back during the student protests in 1970s, one of my students started going on in class about how everything was free in Denmark. I asked him about the taxes. He had no idea, so I told him. He meekly said,' I didn't know that." How the hell did he think everything was paid for? :p


The government giveth, and the government taketh away.

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The government giveth, and the government taketh away.


Yes. I love to hear about all the free things in Scandiville. Like manna from the gods flowing up from cool mountain springs.


The unsightly graffiti in that Bikini Bandits clip undermines the pristine facade they like to project.

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