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Hands up if you know a 'Real' Thai person.


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I know plenty of 'real' Thai people...and, yes, it is a pity that more farangs don't get to know them.




Having said that, the cultural differences make it difficult to get to know them originally. Thai's aren't very open to westerners until they really know you.




I was fortunate:)

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I don't think the negativeness has to do with knowing only bar and nightlife thais. I have plenty of experiences with "normal" thais that my good-nature forbids me to make a damning general comment about thais. Though it's true i have a very low idea for Asia men in general. The women, whatever they do, and their name not being Imelda, i admire them (in general again).


To add to some of the opinions expressed here, I must say i am rather sceptical when i see someone (often women travelers) coming back from a 2, 3, 6 months vacation in LOS and telling me about the thai "friends" they made over there.


I actually think it is easier to love, be loved and marry a thai women than to be true friend with a thai. Waddaya think?




PS: my definition of a friend is someone who is always there for you....EVEN when you need him/her.

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what is the difference between asian men and asian women apart from the gender? being a good or a bad person is not genderspecific.


friendship means being there for your friends you said. i was many times protected by some thai male friends in situations some of my western friends would have tailed it for sure. if your are accepted once here in a peergroup you will be astonished how far they will go for you.


once some guy made me loosing face a tiny bit, making stupid jokes about me being a farang, and i had serious difficulties holding my friends back from ripping him apart. i saw them fighting on many occasions, and they would have injured him badly.


i am usually not going with my personal problems to anyone, but on occasions i have been ranting off, and they lent me an ear, and on other occasions they ranted off, and i listened.


of course there is still a little barrier of reservation, and i am happy with that barrier. but i also see such barriers between thais themselves unless they grew up with each other.

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My take on this ( as I deal with S.E. asians, not just thais)








the old saying "everyone has their price" holds true, they just ( agin not just thais) have a lower price. ( overall)






I had a business partner in Bkk some years back, I really trusted him. when the business bank account reached just over $5k USD) that was his price. never seen him (or the money) since.






Just my experiences.

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Interesting about thais reaction. What was the insult? What was the depth of friendship? what was the occasion? the amount of alcohol consumed? the status of all parties involved? In a case where one disagrees with common opinion, ir would be great to tell the real story and experiences. I have never been victimized severely by a thai ot doubted they are real people, but it is true that knowing people who have stayed years in LOS, i can only report that the difficulty of having friends such as yours is often commented upon.


As for women, If you cannot see the difference between asian males and females, It would be pointless to argue as it is there for all to see or learn. Out of a 1000 points: why did they drown new born females in rural China, in order to have a male instead? Why did i see men in Bali spending afternoons around cocks fighting, when across the street women were carrying heavy stones and doing road repair? Why philandering thai men explain to me it's ok for them to sleep around but they'd kill the wife if she was cheating on them? etc.....

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i can't tell the full story, even more details unfortunately without shouting out loud what i am doing in my real life here. no alcohol involved, just some arsehole mouthing off stupid racist jokes thinking he had an audience, but not realising that some of those thais around where my friends. you find those kind of arseholes everywhere in the world.


asian males and females...


lots of the people who rave against thai men are often the same ones who do not speak the language, have never looked out of their beerglass.


lets keep it to thailand, going into china's or india's particulars would lead too far.


traditionally thai women have had a very strong position in society. land for example was inherited down the maternal line, the men had to move in with the wife's family. yes, you will find wife bashers here, you can find them in any society. you will find men cheating on their wifes, having mia nois. but you can find it as easily here the other way around. read all those posts about guys getting ripped off and cheated by their thai girlfriends, do you think that it happens only to farang?


i speak here now of my own experience. in my wife's family i know of several cases where the women left their husbands, we had o house a few times some heartbroken village boys because we were afraid that they would commit suicide. two of them actually tried it before we took them to bangkok for a few weeks to get over it. one of them was saved by his cousins when he tried to throw himself in front of a lorry just after he saw his wife coming out of the village brothel. another one tried to hang himself, thanks for the shoddy building it did not work.


actually, at the moment i have one of my wife's brothers living with me here in bangkok with his wife. he is honest, hardworking while his wife is a piece of work. she rarely misses an opportunity to cheat on him, never works, and only plays cards. she has destroyed all of the few opportunities that bloke had in life.


i could bring loads of those examples as well as loads of examples which could prove the opposite. in the end, my point is, that people are people, cannot be judged solely on gender, race, or nationality.




coming to foreigners living for years in thailand...


i have never seen an expat population so ignorant and condescending towards the people of the country they are living in as in thailand. somehow, thailand attracts loads of ignorant bigots, who don't seem to have the mental capacity to be able to life in any other asian country. only the traditionally very tolerant thai society seems to be able to accomodate them.


in general i am very careful with expats. i don't trust them. the people i have been cheated by mostly here in thailand were expats and rich thais.


i don't trust any westerner living in thailand for years who does not speak thai unless they have a real reason not to, like a disability to learn languages, for whom i feel truly sorry. it is just not possible to get to know any more than the surface of a country if you cannot communicate in the language.


i especially do not trust anyone i meet in a bar. people here seem to reinvent themselves as soon as they set foot into the country. it takes a long time before i trust westerners living here, i have to get to know them very well before i believe what they tell me or have to be convinced some other way.


i just have met way too many diplomats, secret agents and CEO's who turned out to be third rate scam artists.



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"coming to foreigners living for years in thailand...


i have never seen an expat population so ignorant and condescending towards the people of the country they are living in as in thailand. somehow, thailand attracts loads of ignorant bigots, who don't seem to have the mental capacity to be able to life in any other asian country. only the traditionally very tolerant thai society seems to be able to accomodate them. "




Or is it a case of Thailand getting the kind of foreigners it deserves? Could it be that the 'good' farang wise up and leave? At least consider that it's a two way street, okay?





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