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poipet visa run questions

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I am going to poipet this week to activate my second touist stamp. I will be doing the bus and tuk tuk thing. To refresh my memory what do i need to have again for entry and departure to cambodia?




1. Is the cambodia visa still 1000 baht or do they now require US20? Can I use either one to pay?




2. How many photos do i need to bring? Two still?




3. Do i need to make any copies of my passport?




4. Is there a departure fee in leaving cambodia as I will be crosssing over again in a matter of minutes?




5. Anything required other than my visa and passport to re-enter Thailand again?




Thanks in advance for any replies.









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1. Either form of payment is valid




2. One was all I needed. One for the Cambodian visa at the border.




3. Needed no copies of the passport.




4. No departure fee. The incoming guy will ask how long will you be staying. If you say you're going back they'll extort another 100 baht "fee". Do not pay them more. I get pretty pissed just paying them but I feel lying is worse. Stupid huh? Last time I really made them feel like schmucks though for taking the 100 baht (he wanted more).




5. Not if you are within the dates of a multiple type visa.




FYI border closes at 5pm so you have to go over and be back by that time.





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