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"For a long time..."


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ÃÂÒ¡¨ÃÃÙé¨Ñ¡¤Ø³/à¸ÃÃÕ¡¹Ò¹æ (yahk ja ru juk kun/ter ik nan nan)






ÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹à¾×èùà¸ÃÃÕ¡¹Ò¹ (yahk pen peuan ter ik nan)




"yark pen peurn gan di di" while not incorrect doesn't talk about a length of time.



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Ok....without wanting to step on Markle's toes I will add my post.




The Thai concept for 'a long time' is simply translated as 'nahn' - ¹Ò¹... There are a few ways you could say these sentences so here's a few ideas.




"I want to know you for a long time."


phom tong garn tee ja roo jak khun hai nahn gwah nee - ¼Ãµéç¡Ò÷Õè¨ÃÃÙé¨Ñ¡¤Ø³ãËé¹Ò¹¡ÇèÒ¹Õé (this basically translates as 'I would like to know you longer than this')




or more simply said..


phom yak roo jak khun mah nahn leaw - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡¨ÃÃÙéÃÑ¡¤Ø³¹Ò¹ÃÒáÅéÇ (I would like to know you for a long time).




"I would llike to be your friend for a long time"


phom yak ja pen peuan khun hai nahn kwah nee - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡¨Ãà»ç¹à¾×èù¡Ñº¤Ø³ãËé¹Ò¹¡ÇèÒ¹Õé




or again , slightly simplified.....


phom yak pen peuan khun mah nahn laew - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹à¾×èù¤Ø¹¹Ò¹ÃÒáÅéÇ







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not stepping on my toes but I think you've missed the mark a bit.




"I want to know you for a long time."


phom tong garn tee ja roo jak khun hai nahn gwah nee - ¼Ãµéç¡Ò÷Õè¨ÃÃÙé¨Ñ¡¤Ø³ãËé¹Ò¹¡ÇèÒ¹Õé (this basically translates as 'I would like to know you longer than this') > on the money but quite a complex and wordy structure. Keep it simple.




or more simply said..


phom yak roo jak khun mah nahn leaw - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡¨ÃÃÙéÃÑ¡¤Ø³¹Ò¹ÃÒáÅéÇ (I would like to know you for a long time). > No this translates as "I have wanted to know you for a long time"




"I would llike to be your friend for a long time"


phom yak ja pen peuan khun hai nahn kwah nee - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡¨Ãà»ç¹à¾×èù¡Ñº¤Ø³ãËé¹Ò¹¡ÇèÒ¹Õé > same problem as above and is a little vague: ¹Ò¹¡ÇèÒ¹Õé (nahn kwah nee) is 'longer than this' but doesn't exactly mean a 'long time'




or again , slightly simplified.....


phom yak pen peuan khun mah nahn laew - ¼ÃÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹à¾×èù¤Ø¹¹Ò¹ÃÒáÅéÇ >again "I have wanted to be your friend for a long time"







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FF, you can do better than that.


Here you say basically that you wished that you had met much earlier in life.




The most simple way is "Yaak Jer kan nan nan"


ÂÒ¡à¨Ã¡Ñ¹¹Ò¹æ = would like to see each other for a long time.



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A Thai friend said that if she were to say this she would simply say.




Yark pen peurn gan narn narn.




Just a quick note. For those of us without Thai fonts some posts are impossible to read for want of a romanised version of the post. smile.gif

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