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Successful investments in Thailand


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"i can let her buy land and lease it from her? build a house she owns but i rent in long term or lease"


It's one of the quirks of Thai land law that she can own the land but you own the property on it!


You can lease the land from her on a 30 year lease, the maximum permitted by law but it can be extended, and she has no rights to sell the land without your consent provided that the lease agreement is registered with the land office.


You could alternatively have a lawyer draw up a mortgage agreement whereby if the house and land are in her name and are sold then you get your money back.


Enforcibility of the law is another question altogether in a country like LOS.



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Owning condos in Thailand are simple.Any condo you buy will have the title deeds in your name. Condos can only be sold to a foreigner on the following basis:

1. That 51% of rooms in the complex you are buying are Thai owned, thus giving majority vote in any meeting to the Thais

2. you must show that your money has derived from your homeland, called a tor-tor form

3. be in the country legally and have a valid passport/visa

4. have the money to buy


Buying Land/House is much more complicated. The safest way would be to set up a company. This is considered the safest way.

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