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Hypocritical TV advertisements.


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In a country that's always censoring to protect children and promoting family values I'm surprised I can see two advertisements on TV depicting people get hit by cars to promote some kind of food product and I just saw an advertisement for some "drink" that features the singing of the Beer Chang Guy. Thorought this commercial you see Thais fighting each other graphically carving up each other with swords and in one scene it looks like they show a Thai male go into the tent of a female and proceed to rape her.


Why is it that they will "blur" out any smoking in movies on regular channels but allow advertisements such as those to be broadcast?


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That ad for the drink with all the blood and guts is really quite disgusting and something of a disgrace IMO.


Flame away, but when I see this at any time of the day without regard to the fact that the nation's children are tuned in en masse, I do have the thought of "what the hell is wrong with these people?"


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