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Everything posted by TheCorinthian

  1. You're missing the point. 70% or so of Americans have negative net worth. They owe more, may a lot more!, than they have. So if you play the numbers game like the stats Cav posted, you have to look at it from this perspective.
  2. One thing to remember is that if you have NO DEBT and $10 in your pocket.... You are richer than like 70% of all Americans.
  3. FYI, there is a big push for that in healthcare. It has a lot to do with the transmission of desease. So many if not all hospitals in the states are going to essentially "touch free" bathrooms and antiseptic finishes. I saw an impressive study on its effectiveness a few years ago.
  4. Got a large integrated population in UK do you?
  5. I would consider that the same thing.
  6. Ok, thanks, but the question was, how far away does this RFID thing broadcast too?
  7. An RFID chip is readable from how far away?
  8. Correction: "...earlier this year, the Supreme Court also ruled in favor of strip searches for ‘minor offenses,’ including traffic stops when the person is arrested and taken to jail. "
  9. 1m buys a lot of NICE visa runs!
  10. What is the Thai Elite Card anyway?
  11. That's a pretty stupid index then.
  12. I bet you know a stack of people that do not pay INCOME tax.
  13. I just came back from a gun show. The Republicans were saying how great the Mormons are because they are family oriented and take care of their own. I told them if they belonged to a group that took 10% of your gross you would expect the same. Catholics expect the same. Why do you hate Mormons?
  14. No and yes. (Maybe not students below age 25 or soldiers below e5.)
  15. This about sums it up for me..... I.e., confused.
  16. Of 8 national polls (ABC, Gallop, ect.) only one has Obama ahead. http://www.nationalp...m/national.html
  17. I did gods work in Iraq, Afgan, Africa, and several other places.
  18. This is my position as well. I sat back and watched "hope and change" become "more of the same" leading even further down toward flat out disaster. (IMHO)
  19. I wonder what his life insurance must cost?
  20. What is more funny is that 6 out of the top 20 are some of the cheapest (cost wise) to attend in the USA.
  21. This one gave me a laugh yesterday!
  22. huh? MSNBC just said "Biden could have done so much better." My link
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