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Mekong last won the day on February 9

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  1. I think Coss was referring more to the stolen charity money than the funding cut, nut I may be wrong
  2. You sure, I thought she was from Michigan but spent the ages of between 4 and 9 in Compton before moving to Florida for tennis school Something to do with their father knowing that Malcom X and Ali were from In er City and wanting to toughen them up
  3. How about cutting funding on Children’s Cancer Research the same day as he and his cronies spend $20 Million or tax payers money to fly to an Egg Ball game Then again with Trumps track record with Children’s Cancer Charities it’s no great surprise really
  4. But we know where to get the best deals on zimmer frame and wheel chair rentals
  5. The tall, shiny buildings which rise out of the cornfields on the Myanmar side of the Moei river are a sight so jarring you find yourself blinking to be sure you haven't imagined it. Eight years ago there was nothing over there in Karen State. Just trees, a few roughly built cement buildings, and a long-running civil war which has left this area of Myanmar one of the poorest places on earth. But today, on this spot along the border with Thailand, a small city has emerged like a mirage. It is called Shwe Kokko, or Golden Raintree. It is accused of being a city built on scams, home to a lucrative yet deadly nexus of fraud, money-laundering and human trafficking. The man behind it, She Zhijiang, is languishing in a Bangkok jail, awaiting extradition to China. But Yatai, She Zhijiang's company which built the city, paints a very different vision of Shwe Kokko in its promotional videos – as a resort city, a safe holiday destination for Chinese tourists and haven for the super-rich. The story of Shwe Kokko is also one of the unbridled ambition which has rippled out of China in the last two decades. She Zhijiang dreamed of building this glittering city as his ticket out of the shadowy world of scams and gambling which he inhabited. But by aiming so high he has drawn the attention of Beijing, which is now keen to stamp out the fraud operations along the Thai-Myanmar border which are increasingly targeting Chinese people. Full Article
  6. I wasn’t referring to stiletto attacks in the USA or anywhere else in Thailand for that matter, but specifically Pattaya where the incident took place.
  7. Maybe but not in Pattaya Pattaya
  8. Is anyone else thinking “Girl?” The Stiletto to the head is a classic Ladyboy tactic Attack
  9. One that comes to mind last time I was in UK is Thairanosaurus. As a rule of thumb, the punnier the name the worse the food
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