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huumlaar last won the day on June 8 2014

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  1. Notable Scottish Muslims[edit] Ali Abassi, Gaelic television presenter. Viscount Reidhaven, eldest son of the Earl of Seafield. Mushtaq Ahmad, lord lieutenant of Lanarkshire.
  2. <<old @nanaplaza.com email> Your not that old KS - you should get a new email address
  3. huumlaar


    The 2014 version of the SR has the kick starter still, it's pretty easy kick from all I have read, can be hand started. Electric starter is for scooters.
  4. Alfamaz, that is the one big problem with Agoda, no free call number, or even a chat number! If you do a search, there is a office in Bangkok you can call, but it's not publicized,
  5. Problem may be for me, I go direct as I use it so often it works out far better than Frequent Flyer points. one week away on work gives me two nights hotel albeit a far cheaper hotel, but i need to go direct to get that, me clicking your link wouldn't be worth my while
  6. I like Agoda, use it for work and get free hotel nights for the family. There is sometimes a glitch, the default date twice has been set to one year in advance, both times Agoda took the blame and fixed it for me.
  7. huumlaar


    SR400 - new one finally coming legally to Thailand, the second hand market I hope crashes
  8. <<Miss Scotland was there and got her crown knocked off and the Lord Provost of Glasgow was there too. The whole thing was shocking and I am totally embarrassed about it. >> I agree, I wouldn't be caught dead with Miss Scotland ot the Lord Provost of Glasgow!
  9. Too young, remember him well
  10. Great Driver, brilliant engineer
  11. Did anyone go to the 10th anniversary dinner? I raised a glass to Mao Mark at RCA(ii) Saphon Kway
  12. I photographed them at East Leagues club, he was totally out of it, so we had a doctor give him a massive vitamin shot which made him able to do the show, I went back to being a bouncer. Officially I was bouncer/photographer, great night. The doctor was the father of one of the innovators of weekend long concerts in brisvegas, he did a operation on me for something horses get, lucky me having vets for wifes to diagnose what pregnant women, horses and me got, eventually disbarred, fun family
  13. I photographed her about 10 years later, much heavier, much older than me, and still hot, just a great performer, Transformers Brissie
  14. Beef Burger is tasty I seem to frequent Saphon Kway a lot lately as I am back in that area, quite enjoy it, good food too - literally, most bars are restaurants as well, and Big Leo's 110 baht, who can complain
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