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My Penis is hungry

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Posts posted by My Penis is hungry

  1. Soi Angel is flying in from Burkina Faso for a summit meeting with Farangman and Stef on Friday to fine-tune the arrangements.


    What could possibly go wrong? :grinyes: :grinyes: :grinyes:




    I found these images, isn't it great Soi Angel has not just got teams from Africa, but they are bringing their own poles with them!


    I'm not sure what African bar the first two are from but they sure have taken to the "GoGo" theme well


    The carry your own pole rule seems to be in force.


    And look at those Zulu Girls, I am not sure there are enough, but I'm willing to watch them dance






  2. With their demands left out of the Treaty of Versailles process, which country remained in a state of war with Germany until the start of World War II?


    One of the earliest casualties of WWI was the German language in America. In 1914, German was the second most widely spoken language in the US, and was taught in schools and used by some newspapers. At the height of the war, German street names were changed and German books burnt.


    • POWs in Germany were sent to neutral Switzerland or Holland during the latter years of the war if they were ill or had problems with their nerves after prolonged imprisonment. By the end of the war, 40,000 British and Commonwealth troops were interned in Holland alone. Once there, they could pay to stay in hotels and officers were allowed to have their wives join them. (Lucky girls!)


    • The Free State of Bottleneck, or Freistaat Flaschenhals, was a quasi-state that existed briefly after WWI due to a measurement error. When French and American forces were drawing up their zones of control in occupied Rhineland, the two zones didn’t quite touch, and thus Bottleneck was born. Home to some 17,000 people, it had its own passports, stamps and currency. There was no land or sea access to the state and though a train network ran through the capital, Lorch, trains weren’t permitted to stop, so most of the state’s income was derived from smuggling.


    • French aviatrix Marie Marvingt, also known as the ‘La fiancée du danger’, was the first woman in the world to fly combat missions. A world-class athlete who won multiple prizes in skiing, cycling, fencing, shooting and luge, she initially disguised herself as a man and joined the infantry. Once outed as woman, she was removed from the front and volunteered with the air force, flying bombing routes over Germany. When she died in 1963 she was the most decorated woman in the history of France.

  3. <<First they came for the Illegal Gambling Den Attenders, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not an Illegal Gambling Den Attender.

    Then they came for nightlife establishments that permitted persons under the age of 20 or stayed open after 2 am, and I did not speak out—

    because I was not a nightlife establishment that permitted persons under the age of 20 or stayed open after 2 am.

    Then they came for the yaba dealers and consumers, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a yaba dealer or consumer.

    Then they came for the alcoholic mid-afternoon punters at my favorite blowjob bar —and there was no one left to speak for me. Like, literally, she was physically unable to speak for me for a few minutes. And then she spit in a towel and rinsed her mouth with antiseptic, and explained that all was in good, clean, minty-fresh fun.


    Those cock-fighting rings, man, it's all in where you place the hyphen these days. >>



  4. Rubbish - The conflict started long before that, when zionists moved to Israel in the late 1800's and early 1900's, terrorists like Ben-gurin "

    “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.â€


    And many other modern day "hero's' of Israel blew up places killing people, bombing etc long before 1947. Many people forget that huge numbers of Catholic Palestinians have been just as affected, but hey let's not let the truth get in the way of a propaganda war on Muslims now,


    The saddest part to me is the displacement the zionists caused of jewish communities across the Middle East, Prior to 1947 many jewish communitiees existed in many of the Middle East countries, only to be expelled from their century old homes as the Palestinians have been evicted from their century old homes.


    It's never about the religion, it's about the land grabbing, Zionists embrace comfortable relationships with Druze and other muslim's as it suits them. Catholic Palestinians have been part of the stone throwing etc,


    But hey, let's not have truth get in the way of propaganda now.

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