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King Kung

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Everything posted by King Kung

  1. Why would you interrupt a group of strangers to inject your views? They should have let the air down in your tires. Why do you object to them having an opinion? This is liberalism at its worst. Mind your own fucking business and let people live how they choose.
  2. Why would you interrupt a group of strangers to inject your views? They should have let the air down in your tires. Why do you object to them having an opinion? This is liberalism at its worst. Mind your own fucking business and let people live how they choose.
  3. Like the EU apparatchik? Yes, I can see the parallels.
  4. That's a convenient dodge/joke. How many farmers have assets overseas?
  5. Has everyone forgotten the .. umm .... the.... well, you know... the.... Ah... well geezuz, it's the .... um, Are we to believe this military takeover of the elected political body is ... apolitical? And uninfluenced by any invisible hand(s)? Dag nabbit I'm happy! Are you happy?
  6. Herkey-jerkey decision making. Think first ... then act. (This is not criticism. I am happy as I can be in happy land. It's merely an observation.... Sometimes it's best to make decisions and a few days later reverse them. It sometimes improves happiness.)
  7. I reckon they should build a sarcophagus over Democracy Monument. Like the one over reactor three at Chernobyl.
  8. Temporarily transferred to an inactive post -- which means a post where he can't extort others. Real penalties are for the little people.
  9. Otherwise known in western parlance as littering. Pay the man. Good to see cooler heads have prevailed regarding carrying passports. Now if Thai Immigration could only sort out who is authorized to roll out new national policies. The janitor in the Hua Hin Office seems to have overstepped his authority. I'm sure they all had a good belly laugh at the hair-on-fire online reactions. "dance monkeys!"
  10. Does the average policeman or soldier know what the passports of 130 nations look like? Do they themselves have a passport? I'm thinking a KSR special might be a good investment to protect my original. The police have said recently, after all, they don't consider the forging of foreign documents in Thailand a particularly serious offense. Great! http://www.theguardi...ime-gangs-world Another good read here: http://www.thebigchi...uments-industry Does Private Somchai know the difference?
  11. Why on Earth would birds and fish be brushing their teeth or scrubbing their bodies? They don't even have arms.
  12. Wearing shoes indoors is quite offensive to many Asians. It's viewed as low-brow, slovenly and unclean. Humans seem to get wound up over their unique cultural norms. I wonder if the Delta Airlines seat poo was of the pebble, pudding or purée variety. Imagine being the unfortunate ticket holder of that soiled seat waiting in Detroit for the return trip to China. "Lawdy, Shaniqua, you smell sumpin funny?"
  13. Talk is cheap. Show me a train in Thailand that has been upgraded in the past 30 years. Even the rails are knackered. They merely wait for accidents and apply ointment as necessary.
  14. How many rockets must be stored in a school before the name reverts from school to weapons storage area? Infinity? Same for mosques and hospitals. Palestinians have little regard for their own children. What parent would send their child to a school knowing weapons are stored there? Pencils, books and chalkboards normally don't cause massive, secondary explosions -- a dead giveaway.
  15. I have no problem with punishing overstayers -- come down on them hard. But to force every foreigner to carry their passport with them at all times is nothing more than pisstake. If they can control the overstayers, there's no need to treat the law-abiding residents, even white ones, like criminals. Every farang will be viewed as a potential 1,000-baht walking. (I'll let you go for half the fine). And the nonsense about reporting into an immigration office every time you spend three days away from your residence. Ha! I know Thais have a hard time anticipating events, but this is funny.
  16. American politicians today don't have a conscious. This is why votes in Congress fit more closely to party lines than throughout history. Once committed to a stance, you are stuck to that commitment. It's often useful to avoid commitments and become president on nothing more than a few magic beans, some hope and a little change. And the correct amount of melanin in your skin.
  17. Thai police already rifle through farangs backpacks and pockets around Bangkok without cause or suspicion.
  18. Palestinians have been caught fabricating casualties over and over again. Western media and liberal bleeding hearts largely forgive this because they are as agenda -driven as the Palestinians. I would never agree to negotiate with someone shelling me. Never. And before you go all CNN on me (didja see the CNN garbage today about American Christians supporting Israel?) I'm an atheist. CNN has really lost all modicum of respectability. It's worse than even BBC now.
  19. Achtung! Give me your paperz! OK, Zat is ahl. Enjoy your stay in Land of Smile! Ve're maintaining der happiness. Erweybody happy! Happy, happy, happy!
  20. With so many transactions taking place in dark, hushed corners, I'm surprised it's not more common. Or maybe it is, and in such case, more commonly reported.
  21. Japanese aren't paranoid about shoplifters primarily because most of their citizens are civilized and respectful.
  22. Green and black in Makro everywhere. Good Med food with gouda and olive oil. Not so strange up here in the sticks. I like them, too. Odd that Euro olives don't slap on a 200% tax but a simple piece of (Indian) nan or (Mexican) tortilla is outrageous. Anyway back to olives -- available everywhere. I like to make a plate of olives and cheese when a big game comes on. If you've ever lived in a big city in the west, and wanted to eat foreign food, you would likely pay a premium. Here, it's a pisstake. You get tired of it after a few months.
  23. Was his right to be forgotten violated? Surely he has the right to dismiss this encroachment on his personal life. Let's sue Google.
  24. While fairly harmless and amenable, Canadians aren't renowned for intelligence.
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