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JaiRai last won the day on June 3 2018

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  1. This is fucking depressing stuff. It's hard enough at times to have hope for humanity without knowing they are capable of this. For people that do these things to children - is pretty much the only case where I would have no qualms with torture, along with a non-anesthetic castration.
  2. oh how i love this one (not kidding) and its message of hope 555. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-IJFoO1Pns
  3. JaiRai

    Prices 2018

    Tilac ladies still generally ask 3k for LT. Had a couple Vietnamese-American mates in town a couple weeks ago and they have no interest in LT whatsoever. Every night it's the same - Baccara and Shark Gogo Bars on cowboy. Went to chill with them one evening at Baccara and had a gorgeous cutie eyeballing me, bought her a drink and she got down to buiness with a quickness. "You want to go with me?" I didn't - but was curious - how much for ST, LT? "I don't do Long Time" she replied. "OK, how much for Short Time," she had a sly smile and said "usually the man gives me 5 thousand baht." Holy shit, I raised my eyebrows and she came back with "but 4 thousand ok." haha. I went back to chatting with my friends and saw her exit with a gentlemen shortly after. Not too long passed and she was back at the bar dancing. And then she left again with an older dude. Then shortly later she was back again. And I thought - wow. WTF. I actually despise the place but the business there - my god. Anyway - Everything certainly is more mercenary and Nana Plaza seems to be having an obesity epidemic. And yet... Bangkok still has that allure. So be it. Ps. Love the Sak Yant tattoos on the back. But full bore chest or stomach tattoos... why dear Buddha why???? Ugh.
  4. quick sideline - sorry - excellent testimony and reflective of disturbing trends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRIKJCKWla4&t=186s
  5. JaiRai


    everyone i know in thailand, including their parents, grandparents, and distant relatives in laos - use Line. people don't even ask for my number anymore - they just show me their line QR code (or whatever it's called) and ask me to add them on the spot. the main and obvious advantage for many folks is that you can call/text anyone without any minutes on your phone -- as long as you have a wifi connection, and line txts/calls don't eat away at your existing minutes.
  6. good start. every now and then you see a glimpse of hope for humanity. not a very big one mind you - but it is there.
  7. Too much of a circle jerk here at times. Not all the time mind you. I'd like to see a lot more blokes with different views not licking each others nuts - without the asshole quotient going off the charts, probably impossible on the internet though. Thailand is in a repressive social slump compared to years ago but still a very fucking beautiful place where one can actively engage with life on a level that simply doesn't exist in the sterile West. I truly believe that's why such a broad spectrum of people embrace it.
  8. actually the 3rd time it happened to me. yes. hence the dumbass comment to myself. but those 3 times were spread out over several years. last time i left it in a taxi and a girl from climax immediately called my number and the dude actually answered. he wouldn't accept 1k, 2k, 3k, baht - and then hung up. this time - actually got my phone back from a very kind taxi driver. loooooooooong story. it does happen - but don't get your hopes up. stupid rookie mistake and i got off lucky, most of the time --- you won't.
  9. yep. he's a good man and i'm genuinely sad to see it. thanks passingthru.
  10. My old vietnamese mate 'Dan' put it best when we checked in there (separate rooms) a few years back. 20 minutes after getting in my room and unpacking I got a 3 word SMS from Dan. "Welcome to Thunderdome" That was my last stay in Nana hotel and numbers had nothing to do with it.
  11. Link ---- The content in this page is not produced by Prachatai staff. Prachatai merely provides a platform, and the opinions stated here do not necessarily reflect those of Prachatai. Home Thai court orders immediate issuance of arrest warrant for Andy Hall Submitted by editor4 on Tue, 24/04/2018 - 15:09 Finnwatch Bangkok South Criminal Court today ordered for the immediate issuance of an arrest warrant for Andy Hall with a view to ensuring Hall’s attendance in the court to hear a verdict of the Appeals Court on multiple appeals against his September 2016 criminal conviction. Diplomats from the EU Mission to Thailand alongside the UK, Finnish and Swedish embassy officials and officials from OHCHR and ICJ attended today’s hearing alongside Hall’s legal defence team, a source at the Court informed Finnwatch. The court was originally expected to read the appeals verdict today but the hearing on the appeal was instead adjourned until 31st May 2018 given Hall did not attend the court in person. Andy Hall is currently no longer resident in Thailand and attests that he was not formally summoned to attend the Court today through any official or lawful channels. In response to the today's news, Hall provided the following statement to Finnwatch: “I have faced intolerable amounts of judicial harassment which essentially undermined my ability to do human rights work effectively inside Thailand. This is why I left the country in November 2016. I am disappointed and concerned this warrant has now been issued for my arrest and this unacceptable judicial harassment against me continues unabated.†“I am currently receiving assistance from a team of international lawyers acting on my behalf on the issue of enforcement of Thai Court orders in criminal and civil cases against me when I am no longer resident in Thailand. I shall continue to consult closely with both my Thai and international legal defence teams on these issues and concerning the potential issuance of international arrest warrants against me. I shall also make representations to the UK government and the European Union to immediately raise concerns on whether today’s arrest warrant issued by the Court was in accordance with Thai and international law.†On 20th September 2016, Andy Hall was sentenced to four years' imprisonment (reduced by one year and suspended by two years) and ordered to pay a fine of 200,000 baht (reduced to 150,000 baht) following his conviction on criminal defamation and Computer Crimes Act charges. The proceedings against Hall were initiated by a Thai pineapple company Natural Fruit Co. Ltd. in 2013. Andy Hall left Thailand shortly after his conviction claiming unbearable judicial harassment when additional criminal charges were filed against him by a chicken farm, Thammakaset Company Ltd, in November 2016. His legal team, however, submitted an appeal against this conviction on 8th February 2017. Natural Fruit also appealed the verdict in December 2016 seeking an immediate custodial sentence against Hall. An Appeals Court’s decision can be further appealed to Thailand’s Supreme Court. In 2012, Andy Hall interviewed Natural Fruit Co. Ltd. workers for the Finnwatch report Cheap Has a High Price, published in 2013. These interviewees’ testimonies detailed allegations of labour abuse which, when published by Finnwatch, provided the reason for Natural Fruit’s prosecution in this case. Should Andy Hall fail to appear at Bangkok South Criminal Court again on 31st May 2018, the Appeals Court verdict may be read in absentia. â€We remain hopeful the Appeals Court will acquit Andy of all these charges. The charges against him stem from his legitimate work as a human rights defender and migrant worker rights activist. He is not a criminal,†said Sonja Vartiala, executive director of Finnwatch. For more information on this and the other three criminal and civil cases filed by Natural Fruit Co. Ltd. against Andy Hall, please see Finnwatch Q&A document, last updated on 23rd April 2018.
  12. Police showed up to both nana and cowboy again last night just before 1am. everything was shut down and folks told to go home. not sure if connected. ps. important OT note to self in a moment of supreme annoyance: if you take a taxi, don't leave your phone in it. dumbass.
  13. went to meet friends yesterday to shoot pool at country road. arrived via motorcycle taxi just before midnight - a long line of police and squad cars were at the entrance to cowboy. motosai taxi guy proposes he should take me anywhere else. didn't look like they were rounding people up and curiosity got the better of me. was informed by all the girls at country road that a guy had abruptly died at dollhouse while a woman was dancing in front of him. dollhouse was completely shut down - a lot of drama in the street.
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