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She's Pregnant! (Oh shit)


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Hello again, some very interesting comments here, thankyou all. I assure the doubter that i'm not winding anyone up.


In my corner of Farangland, western Europe, there are small hang ups by right minded women about getting an abortion and I would be prepared to pretend to care just to get her into a clinic but why do I feel that a BG should see such an act as par for the course? I want to be sympathetc towards her but at the same time do not want to appear soft or give her the impression that I would under any circumstance father her child, and by father I mean be a paying caring father as opposed to sperm provider.


I've just got this bad feeling about women and hormones. Get 'em pregnant and the hormones kick in and the most unnatural thing in the world is to abort. Same like me when I wake with a stiffy and have to pop down to Star Of Light. It just seems like the natural thing to do.


Joking aside I hope she doesn't read nanaplaza and I will be sure to let you all know what is happening (it's good to talk)!


I'm awaiting her getting herself tested right now although to be honest it doesn't seem like there is any doubt. The scary thing is that she doesn't look at abortion as the obvious answer.




Thanks again

Stressed Gratis

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Says MaiLuk:

If a punter gets a BG pregnant, punter tells BG to abort it but she refuses, what is punter's obligation to the baby (assuming dna names punter as Dad)?


Moral issues aside, from a legal standpoint it is extraordinarily unlikely that anything could come of this that would require the guy to take any responsibility.


Firstly, Thai laws about parentage are feudal at best. Specifically, unless the father and mother were legally married at the time of the birth, the father is not given legal recognition in Thailand as a parent. Specific legitimation steps must be taken for this to occur; in a case like we're talking about here basically the woman would have to bring suit in famil court. This presents an almost insurmountable barrier for the average BG as the system in Thailand is simply not set up to get her access to the court system and even if she could get it to court there is no guarantee that she'd get a judgement, or that a judgement could or would be enforced.


Secondly, it's not like some beaurocrat in the American government can meake a snap decision to revoke your passport or whatever based on some bar girl's say-so, or even based on the judgement of a foreighn court. Anything that may happen to you vis-a-vis issues in the US could only occur after you've been afforded due process. Meaning she'd have to get into the US and fulfill jurisdictional requirements to file a lawsuit. Possible, but unlikely.


Like I said, this is putting moral issues aside, I'm making no judgement or comments about those, only about legal ones. I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. But I have some (too much) experience in this area because of some very unpleasant business where a previous girlfriend has basically deprived me of access to a daughter.

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I actually like the idea the the Thai prostitutes can sue their customers for child support. Inconvenience for her customers, but may be a good thing to start. :D


Go ahead, potential BG customers enjoy and take the consquences, that should be the Thai BG advertisements ::



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Hi Gratis,


What I think would happen next is.... nothing!

Until you get substantial evidence proving that she a) is pregnant (nothing you can really do about that) or B) has indeed had a child, I would do absolutely nothing.

If and IF she does indeed give birth to a child I would demand a DNA test to establish proof of the origin of the baby.


I was at one point living with a girl in Yasothon, she told me she could not have kids due to a surgery in her womb and then all of a sudden she developed this "pregnancy" to commit me I guess.

Of course it turned out to be her imagination, but it sure as Hell got me worried.

There is no way I would father a child and then just abandon it. I couldn`t live with that. Especially he/she was to grow up under uncertain conditions in Thailand.



Hua Nguu




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I dont have personal experience in this but I think KHMarried is correct. Moral issues aside, I dont think a woman from any developing country could easily go through the legal process (and pay the costs) to ultimately get a judgement in her favor in a western country. Certainly it is possible, but I think unlikely.




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I recall that the multi-millionaire founder of DHL fathered several children in different SE Asia locales. Ultimately he was proven the father, despite being already dead, when DNA tests were run using tissue from a mole he had had removed years before. The kids became very rich.



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That's it, I knew it was some famous company but forgot which.


As for possibility of getting sued, yes, it probably would be slight. Much of it depends on where you are as well. But slight still does happen, like being hit by lightening. In this case, would hope it would happen more often.


If the woman was able to get evidence of fatherhood, I believe the US court systems would be pretty friendly to her suit, especially with how lawyers charge fees.


Again, it's a sad state of affairs when gov't has to force the parents to care for their children.



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