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Patong Beach Phuket


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It was my first trip to Thailand. I planned for Bangkok but on the day before I had to book a friend convinced me to go to Phuket, relaxing & with a nice beach, so that's what I did. I can't compare to Bangkok but was really happy at Patong Beach.


Coming from Malaysia (well, Germany originally) life is less cheap in Phuket. Except for the girls I guess. Some 200 Baht to pay the bar and 1000 for the rest. Um, or so I've heard. Around 60 for cigarettes. 20 for pool. 70 for beer. And exchange booths open all day accepting my credit card.


In short, I was totally amazed by the friendliness of the Thai people. Right from the airport there was total guidance and support, I didn't even have a hotel booked but they made it all so easy. And well, somehow I spent the 10 days with a totally nice lady who accompanied me for about 21 hours a day. The good bye at the airport (her sister joined) was slightly dramatic because we started to like each other in the time we spent. She showed me her room, we exchanged email and photos. We went bowling, went to the arcades, the movies, the beach, at night went to her bar and then out, and she was driving me all around the place all day, like Phuket Town, or different beaches. She didn't even accept money for the bike rental fee. Last night back home in Malaysia I got her call and she was crying. Well I have to say I already miss Thailand.


Phuket was probably the craziest place I've been to in my life. I guess it spoiled me and it's also sort of addictive. You walk five steps and you got five beauties pulling you into their bar. You go to the dance floor and women are storming towards you. Of course, it's a big Felang money squeezer thing. But a sweet illusion nevertheless. I can almost imagine many going back to their home country to work their ass off for for half a year, only to come back to Thailand for some weeks again and spent it all. A sweet illusion. Still, I don't believe it's all fake. If you are respectful, I think the Thai people are genuinely friendly. And Malaysia is already a friendly country, but this was even more amazing.


I have to say, I feel the whole experience changed me a bit, I don't know in what ways or if good or bad, but I feel I'm a bit different now. So that was my first trip to Thailand... probably not my last.


Thanks for all the help here beforehand, even though I asked for Bangkok, I guess similar things applied and I felt more confident in Phuket.

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I've never been to Phuket - I'm sure its quite beautiful - but the girls will definitely get under your defences, wherever you go in Thailand.


The Thai hospitality is legendary, as you mentioned, and no one denies that they can be very helpful. Some of us are so drawn into the illusion that we adopt 'dependants' and agree to keep them in the style to which they have become accustomed. I just try to see it as a 'user pays' experience that ends when I board the plane to come home : I hope that you can do the same.


Malaysia must be an interesting place for a Westerner in these troubled times - cant complain re proximity to your newfound addiction, though :)

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Guest lazyphil

<<I just try to see it as a 'user pays' experience that ends when I board the plane to come home : I hope that you can do the same>>




Its not that straight forward sir!


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Yeah, I know - you will note the use of the word try ...


At this point in time, I am only (barely) in a position to support one human being - me - so any future generosity will be with this little 'enforced holiday' in the back of my mind. Its one thing to do it at 43, but I keep thinking about what it would be like if I were 53. Yet that is the age at which so many guys seem to lose the plot and start squandering whatever money they do have on one last wild rush toward 'happiness'. And now, we return you to your regular programming :


When we left our intrepid adventurer, he was back in his office in Kuala Lumpur, daydreaming about a certain Thai temptress. Just over the border, yet a world away. Stay tuned, gentle viewer, as we crank up the rollercoaster underneath our hero and watch the action unravel :)

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Says racha:

Better you stay away from Bangkok then ::


When I said "Thanks for all the help here beforehand, even though I asked for Bangkok, I guess similar things applied and I felt more confident in Phuket." I didn't mean I felt more confident in Phuket than in Bangkok, but I felt more confident in Phuket having been given all the information on Bangkok! Hope I clarified this... I wouldn't judge on Bangkok since I never been there...


And well, I make not much illusions about the Thai girl. She was sweet, probably saw myself as an escape plan, but I never told her that I love her and didn't promise her anything.


Actually, yesterday yet another girl told me she loves me, and this one in Malaysia (mix local-chinese), I just met her Saturday in a Disco. She studies and teaches Karate and is not a prostitute (unless you have a very broad definition of the word including women who like to get gifts!). I'm getting very careful these days which parents I meet and who I tell I Love You and which places I kiss a girl and hold her hands etc. as I have been a little too quick here in the past. In some languages there's no differences between "i like you" and "i love you" lacking knowledge on stuff like that gets you in trouble here... I still remember the shock on one girl's face when I told her "i like you"... and I was wondering what all the fuss was about... she was a Bidayuh woman.

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Says artiew:

Malaysia must be an interesting place for a Westerner in these troubled times


Well being from Germany I can always point out that it's a country that formed the Anti-War Coalition with France. I think people here are getting more anti-american every minute Bush is pushing for war. (And if I read the latest news, there's absolutely no way escaping it anymore... if there seriously ever was.)


As for a direct comparison, Malaysia and Thailand the girls seemingly both want money, but in Thailand there are much more friendly for a lot less. They sit at the bar with you and play games even when you don't sponsor them a drink, even after one hour. I don't know if they move away ever since pretty much I always ended up buying a drink, but I just wanted to see if they move away quickly! In Malaysia, that would be mostly the case. So in other words... I guess everyone wants money, but this level of friendliness still seemed special to me. You could probably say they're just extra-clever business women... like when my Thai girl rejected several offers to pay for the accompaniment throughut the daytime, just making me like her even more! (I asked her why she was so nice and she replied, if someone is nice to her, she can be nice as well.)

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