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Finally I connected to the internet from Thailand!


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I always bring my laptop along on my vacations to Thailand. Up until this trip I couldn't figure out how to get connected. :o

I would buy those pre-paid internet cards available at 7-11 and other places and dial up the access number but would always get a busy signal. :banghead: So finally my fiancee, seeing my frustation called the AsiaNet help line. :doah: In 10 seconds she had the answer! When you have to dial a number first to get an outside line simply put a coma after it! :beer:


for instance... 9,025551212


Hope this small bit of information will help someone else get connected.

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the problem is, that it takes some time (usually a partition of a second) after you dial the number for the outsideline until the outsideline is switched on. so a part of the ISP phonenumber sent from you pc gets lost. a coma is like a break, which delays sending of the number until the outsideline is switched on

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As mentioned, a comma merely provides a pause for the modem before it continues to dial the actual phone number. As I have to use a '9' to access an outside line, I added two commas, as sometimes the switchboards outside line access is slow.


Also...a CHEAP internet provider is 'T-Net'. I already have a Loxinfo connection, and a friend gave me a 'T-Net' package. 'T-Net' costs a mere 250-Bt...for 50 HOURS! Yep, a mere 5-Bt per hour. The T-Net package is good for 5-months and they have a 'toll-free' access number which is good over many areas of Thailand, hence unlike LoxInfo there is no need to change your access number when you call from a different town. I get connect speeds of 48Kbs to 50.3Kbs with T-Net and similar speeds with Loxinfo. As my apartment charges 5-Bt per call (unlimited time per call), my total costs to access the Net are no more than a mere 10-Bt/hour...and sometimes less if my connection time is over an hour in duration.

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