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working in los?


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can any one help me??? have just returned from bkk after 2 great weeks, comitted a sin by falling in love out there, but what the hell, i miss her so much that i want to go back and work there and live with her. i am aware of the visa issue but does any one know if i were to land a job out there does this mean i can stay forever? or do i have to marry her to do that? my current employment is as a nursing assisstant in a large uk hospital, not profesionally trained or registered is this a problem as all the jobs i see advertised are for diplomas or degree levels!!! mind you at this moment in time i would do just about anything as long as i could be with her!! i check the bangkok post daily for work some good stuff but still not sure of the visa aspect. can any one help a poor fool in love? :help: :help:

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"if i were to land a job out there does this mean i can stay forever? or do i have to marry her to do that?"

In order to stay and work here legally you need a workpermit. This is not linked to being married.


"my current employment is as a nursing assisstant in a large uk hospital,"

Tough luck there. As far as I know this is one of the restricted jobs, i.e. only for Thais.

Sounds like your only option would be teaching English, and I would not recommend this unless you would be certified and land a job at an international school for a decent salary.




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Go to the mirror and look yourself in the eye, then give yourself a slap upside the head.


After two weeks, you are in love and you want to move to Thailand to be with your new love? If the answer is "yes" then slap yourself again.


Think about this real hard before answering or committing yourself in any way. Do you think what she really cares about is you or your wallet. I will take my answer off the air.


(hint: If the answer is that she cares about you, then slap yourself one more time and douse yourself with cold water. Repeat until desired result is achieved.)


Only lookin' out for you. Honest.





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if you want to live and work in thailand than that is not easy. from what you posted about your skills the only thing you could get would be a volonteer position somewhere out in the sticks, maybe burmese border, or in some AIDS hospiz.

if you are serious, you should get some skills and qualifications where you might get some paid job here. could be some teachers certificates, or more in your present line of work some qualifications which could land you a paid NGO job.

but even if you come here with that, success is not programmed.

the paradise from holiday might easily turn into hell.

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thanks for the advice, and the care guys much appreciated. think may be the water exercise is needed. gave her the idea for a reaction purpose aswell seems she not interested in the wallet. . . . but should still reserve judgement!!

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Rick Farang gave you some excelent advice, you should take it, IMO most of the board members have been in your position in the early days of their affair with LOS. This place really gets you by the balls and doesn't let go. There is no point expecting to come and live here and have fun unless you have a decent income, a typical Thai wage packet won't get you the life style and the ladies. Money matters here! your 2 week relationship would quickly turn sour when the cash ran out, if you believe nothing else believe that. The soloution is to either make more money and save harder then have more holidays here or start planing for a different career to enable you to obtain work here. I used to have 3 or 4 free holidays a year by filling my suitcase with the T shirts available on Sukhumvit Rd for under £2 and selling them in UK at £10 - £12 each 1 suitcase = 1 free holiday. ::

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