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incredibly cynical and asinine viewpoint from a bitter farang's perspective


Actually gave the asinine viewpoints of a half dozen farangs, limited to the scene but not necessarily invalid viewpoints. One thai view that i found interesting was the BGs sister. It was a short description of her thoughts. The sister learned that the BG tried to kill herself (it actually was a fake attempt) because farang tried to dump BG.


Regardless of all the tens of thousands of baht given to bg, when things went wrong the farang was to blame. All the scamming and scheming of the BG notwithstanding, the sister decided to have farang killed.



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>only that private dancer is completely off in its desription on thais. it might have been written in the first person but only shows an incredibly cynical and asinine viewpoint from a bitter farang's perspective, and a farang who obviously holds a grudge.

sorry, but i cringe whenever that thing is mentioned. no doubts whatsoever why it was never published.



Finally, somebody has said that.


I share your feelings about the "book".

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Anyone know how long thais/asians have been drinking? Many centuries, or a more recent invention?


Actually it is relatively new. There were two ways to disinfect water: warm it up or put some alcohol. In Europe people used to drink alcohol for thousands of years, even the children drank wine mixed with water in the romain empire.

In Asia people warmed the water and put tea leaves in it ::

Actually 50% of the asian population lacks a enzyme which is helping to degrade the alcohol.


Best regards

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When not in los, some arguments on the phone with me accusing her of partying too much would send her crying to her friends.


I have never accused her to drink too much or to smoke. But she knows that I don't smoke and only rarely drink and that I don't like girls who do. And it was her decision to stop. (Actually I didn't believe it the first 2 months).

So her friends accuse her of not partying enough which sends her crying to me ::


Best regards


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She could reduce her drinking and smoking when being among her friends. While they drink 2, she could drink 1 or walk around with the same glass for a few hours.


That is exactly what she does. But her friends are not happy with that.


I think her friends want that she will become drunken too.


What adds to the problem is that her friends know that she changed the behavior because of me. So they just tell her that I am not in thailand and that she could drink and smoke because I wouldn't know it. This is certainly true, because I don't want to control her in any way, so she could do what she wants (which she certainly does ::)



Best regards


P.S.: I was almost always so lucky not to be in a situation where I had to concede to peer pressure. :)

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>>>Actually gave the asinine viewpoints of a half dozen farangs,<<<


those farang's viewpoints were very true to reality in their pompous stupidity - lots of people around here who simply cannot adapt.


only when he wrote in the first person from the thai viewpoint it still was only an asinine farang viewpoint.




>>>All the scamming and scheming of the BG notwithstanding, the sister decided to have farang killed. <<<


and that's where the whole thing collapses. all thais in are untrustworthy schemers, all thai males in addition to schemers are only out to live from their women, BLABLABLA...simply not realitistic, and conveys a message of primitive racism.

the end shows complete ignorance of procedures here in bangkok in case of a death. every corpse of an accident has to be delivered to the morgue of the policehospital and cannot be simply taken to the temple and burned. the corpse will be fingerprinted, photographed and undergoes an autopsy. a bargirl will not have the necessary clout to get away with breaking these laws so blatantly. and in case of a farang, especially a journalist, a bulletwound will have very little chance to be overlooked during such an autopsy. may i just remind you of a similar case about 8 years ago where a well known western fashion photographer was killed here by the lover of his wife, a policeman. this case was solved within a few days.

these facts could be simply established by asking about these procedures in any policestation, and can simply be proven by being present while those things happen.


this book was written and researched in a bar here in bangkok well known for those asinine farang.


if the writer would have kept it only at the farang viewpoint it would have been maybe an interesting book, but by characterising the thais, especially in first person, he was completely out of his depth.


IMO, private dancer is one of the worst examples of expat literature ever.




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>>>In Asia people warmed the water and put tea leaves in it<<<


not in thailand.

thailand never had any teaculture. teaculture is only tradidional in china, korea, japan, tibet and mongolia. tribes like the karen have their own teaculture as descendents from tibetan nomades.

thais - no indigenous teaculture.



>>>In Europe people used to drink alcohol for thousands of years,<<<


and so in many parts of asia including japan, china and thailand.


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ok, slightly off topic but anyway:



only that private dancer is completely off in its desription on thais. it might have been written in the first person but only shows an incredibly cynical and asinine viewpoint from a bitter farang's perspective, and a farang who obviously holds a grudge.

sorry, but i cringe whenever that thing is mentioned. no doubts whatsoever why it was never published.



Finally, somebody has said that. I share your feelings about the "book".


I actually disagree and think that "the book" has some merit. One should keep in mind that the story does not give a description of Thais in general but give a glimpse of the "bar world" that can indeed be very sinister. Of course not all people in the bar world think and act as in the story...but it's just a story and in this story the bad stuff is emphasized.


When thinking about "Private Dancer" it reminds me about when I just started to pick up some Thai and rather shocked overheard an old food cart seller address a bunch of bar girls in Hua Hin. At just an arm lenghts distance from me he had the nerve to say: -- "Do you girls have any newly stolen mobiles from farangs to sell today?"




EDIT: some redundancy and spelling corrected

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Sounds to me like SHEis not completely committed to giving up smoking and drinking.

Now if her friends ran nude in the streets for sanuk would she do the same?

Maybe if there was less of an emphasis from you about liking women who smoke or drink(whether you direcly tell her to or not is irrelevant because she is doing it to comply to your expectations) then she wouldn't feel the need to put herself under unrealistic pressure to comply with your expectations and her "friends" would not be an issue.


Now I am sure if she is a social smoker/drinker then it really shoudn't be an issue as I am sure you can overlook it but if she is a habitual one and it is problematic for you relationship wise, then you have some re-evaluating to do.

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Says naiv:


Now I am just wondering if this is a widespread behavior among BGs that they try to pull each other into the ruin.



I thought peer pressure was a universal social phenom, didn't know it was BG specific.


When did drinking and smoking lead to ruin? Man has been doing that since he discovered the mind altering effects of such substances and realized HE LIKED IT!!

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