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Would you buy a house in your GF/wife's name?


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The life insurance workes this way:


-You built/buy the house.

-You do not have enough money to pay it immediately, so you do a mortgage package purchase.

-you pay the mortgage rates for , let us say, 20 years.

-Now let us suppose the worst: your wife would kill you. Then the house is hers. But also the mortgage dept!!! And it is likely that she cannot pay the monthly rate.

-Then the bank gets her house, the bank sells it, gets the borrowed money back, and the rest, if there is any at all, gets the wife. IF THERE IS ANY!

-If she is then still in dept with the bank, she probabely will stay it for a lifetime.


So the mortgage is your life insurance.

At least for 20 years! ....

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