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BG - Amsterdam.


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One young lady I knew in Phuket was taken to Amsterdam by her farnang "boyfriend". She not a virgin, but had not "worked" before, either. When they got there, her boyfriend turned her over to (sold her) some mafia types who held on to her passport and put her to work in the red light district (after a few days of "breaking in"). They kept her there for over a year before the boss's wife took pity on her and sent her back to Thailand, where she worked as a protitute for some time (lost track of her, but heard the married and went to Germany - I hope its true and that it worked out.)


I asked her why she didn't go to the police, and she said that the police were part of it. Any girl who ran away to the police was returned to the thugs, where she was beaten. She told a lot of horror stories relating to beatings and forced abortions. Not a pretty scene.


Anyway, I guess the point here is that there is more than one way for a Thai woman to wind up in the business over there. Some, not necessarily by their own choice.




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A very common story. Hotbed for this is Japan, Taiwan, and Europe. Not so much by 'boyfriends', but by recruiters to issan villages.





Yep, except that in Germany the sextrade switched from SE Asia mainly to East Europe. If you look at the advertising for prostitutes in German newspapers, especially in Berlin, the East European women outnumber Asian women by far. It is a very ugly business, but it seems that the German police is not able/willing to fight it with full fource. :cussing:


We just had a big scandal with a famous talkshow master/politican from the conservative party CDU :: who ordered Ungarian women frequently to his VIP suite in the Berlin Hilton. All came out because he ordered cocaine as well :o and the police had taped his phone. Some stats say that sex trafficing might bring in more money than drugs nowadays.

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