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another update on SC "SC rules!


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Quick update in lieu of tripreport, since I'm online in a internet cafe.


Met up with some of the lads at Gull's last nite, first time I didn't see KS, suppose you can't be there every time, would get boring. I refuted any suggestions that you had been given the hard word by your lovely wife not to go to this place off ill repute anymore, besides, it is definitely a tad more repectable than woodstock, surrounded by Gogobars.


Anyway, hit town with Old Hippie on his first night in BKK. Gee, I thought I was \wa;king a gauntlet in some public places, trying to keep an eye on who knows me and has seen me with whom, but OH is outdoing me in social contacts. Just walking past the old Clinton, I think I counted about six or so of the girls in one bar who in turn massaged him and appeared to have some past connection with him. I bow to the true master!

After all that, I was only m,assaged by one, but it went on and on, and she looked delicious. But we'd had our heart set at atleast reaching SC, so with great effort and sacrifice we teared ourselves loose from these darlings, and proceeded down Sukh to SC. the one freelancer who often waylays me on the footpath[path opposite Sheraton fortunately wasn't there yet.


After some research a few weeks ago, anmd soem more the last few days, I think SC Gogo rankings are "Midnight-Sheba-SuzieW" not necessarily in that order. I had a short list for Sc,


Shit, I wrote another page or two, and lost it in the spellcheck! half an hours' work with gory detail lost down into cyberspace. Stuff that, Ill do it some other time.


Briefly, I had a wondeful nite with an absolutely darling of a girls, and am going to have to pull out all stops to prevent myself going back for seconds, thirds, forth's and getting hitced. Yes OH, she was the very best of both worlds, great body, great attitude, great sex!


Did you ver make it to Sweetheart bar on Soi 5?


Just take a few deep breaths now. and repeat my mantra "I'm a butterfly, once bitten twice shy"

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What little sleep I had on the plane combined with all the alcohol, made for slow recolections...Thanks for filling me in! Yes, 6++ or more at that bar, great place...That one you pulled was something! I settled for 2 from Dollhouse, then later for one I had my eye on for some time! Finally made it happen...Good to meet you! Truely, legends live where legends roam!:)

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