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Old Hippie

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Everything posted by Old Hippie

  1. One of the late night show hosts went to a trump rally and asked the people what they that about trumps proposal on this policy or that policy and they all praised trump and how great his policies were. The host the asked the same people what do you think of Biden’s policies…? They bashed Biden senseless…problem was, the policies they praised were actually Biden’s and the ones they bashed were actually trumps…
  2. I am still waiting for the day I can legally smoke/use cannabis. Department of transportation (DOT) has. Started using saliva testing instead of urine testing, which means it is less invasive, and Olson does go “as far back.” Drug testing is bullshit and really should be stopped. Funny thing is, despite all the legal weed shops you see, weed remains federally illegal in the USA…basically, the feds could shut it all down. It will take a federal act to just make it all legit and good luck with that…
  3. I’d like less of this. It is true, each ATM has the serial numbers of all the bills recorded. As these bills are dispersed, they know who they were dispersed to. Your photo/video and audio are recorded as well. If your money were to show up where it shouldn’t and *IF* the government were so inclined, they could come and ask you how that happened…
  4. I addressed this earlier, sighting 2 former board members as examples. It comes down to “this is all we have to preserve “OUR way of life.” These types break into 2 main groups, the haves and the have nots. The haves break into 2 categories, those who worked their asses off to earn a bit of money and are convinced the “liberals” will take it all from them. This is the smaller group. The larger group worked their asses off to inherit their wealth and got where they are because of who their families are/were got their jobs through nepotism, and the “old boy network,” even if they really aren’t qualified to hold that job. They have been bred to believe. They are better than other and deserve all they have and are brainwashed to believe that society wants to take it all away. The have not group has been brainwashed by the haves to believe they are have nots because liberals have rigged the system against them. The liberals have allowed illegals into the country to take their jobs, rape their women and sell their kids drugs. The liberals encourage decadent behavior that ruins the minds of our children so they don’t want to work. The government wants to take your guns so they can forced “socialist health care” on them etc…the main mantra the haves use is “…how would you like to earn $10 just to keep $1, so the government can give your money to some minority welfare queen who will drive her Lexus to the store to use her food stamps to buy prime rib and caviar, while laughing at those who work…” (These people ignore the fact that most welfare is white and rural.) These people are brainwashed to believe that through hard work, they too can be as wealthy as the elite class who used inheritance, nepotism and favoritism and zero hard work. Trump caters to these people, giving them what they want to hear “…it isn’t your fault, it is the fault of others and the government…” The haves will vote for him as they will ANY republican because it is understood that the republicans are for them, for the money people, screw to poor. The white have nots will vote for him because they are basically idiots who have been brainwashed by the haves. You saw this with the 2 posters I mentioned earlier. One was a have one was a white have not. Truth is, neither party really gives a shit about the poor, they are both parties for the rich, there is only so far they will go to actually do something for the people.
  5. Do any of you guys remember 2 guys who posted here years back named “young farang” and “Rogueyam?” 2 ultra right wing dipshits who thought regan/bushes1+2 were great and praised the nuttery of Sarah Palin…YF’s daddy was some medium size big wig with the Republican Party, taking his kid to BKK to chase whores and Rogueyam was a loser originally from Slidell Louisiana who had, for what ever reason even he couldn’t or wouldn’t explain, relocated to San Francisco. YF represented the republican hypocrisy on levels even he couldn’t understand, kid wasn’t that bright, always crying about his tax money being wasted by liberals…he worked in a Subway sandwich shop for minimum wage, cried illegals kept his wages low…I pointed out to him that I paid more in taxes than he actually earned and as he had plenty of money to go to Thailand without his daddy, he wasn’t so poor or just didn’t need the money/job. Rogueyam lived in a shitty neighborhood, same one I grew up in, didn’t own a car rode the bus everywhere. He was a frequent poster here despite having never been to Thailand, originally claimed he was going to go and wanted to know what bars were good for political discussions…Dan and I steered him to Lonestaar. Doubt he ever intended to go to to Thailand nor could afford it. His story as he posted on a right wing board here called “Freepers” as well as his calls to a local right wing talk show station told his story…poorly educated and low paid for some flunky sales company, blamed the liberals for all the problems in the world… Both of these ass hats supported a party that frequently shits on VETS, had more representative with “deferments,” same as Commander Bone Spurs had fewer vets in office and were basically against everything these 2 fools needed and would benefit from. This is basically the right wing party in the USA, one group who wants to hold on the the money they worked so hard to inherit and maintain their base as they see it and those who don’t have shit and are told they don’t have shit because the “liberals” keep them down. These poor bastards never realize they don’t get shit when the republicans are in office either…
  6. There are business that operate ONLY in cash, no bank involved, the drug trade, human trafficking etc…so a bank being involved may or may not be in the picture. The USA and its paranoia want to basically control everything we do. I can see the concern over tax evasion, alimony skipping, stealing marital assets and hiding them off shore, but in those cases, it is very easily tracked as has been noted. A cashless society might exist but the abuses or potential for abuses would be great as every where you spent money and everything you spent it on could be recorded and that information sold to third parties…
  7. When I opened my account at Bangkok Bank, they told me all the crap was on the USA end, mainly due to money laundering. The question has long been how to crack down on the under ground economy so the government can get their cut. Bit coin certainly didn’t help matters and it/crypto currency in general, remains the primary currency for a lot of online illegal activity. One solution I heard was no state/federal tax or lower income taxes and then have a higher sales tax, so everyone pays when they spend…I can’t see hookers and drug dealers or gambling joints filing the paper work…
  8. Commander bone spurs, who mocked John Mcain and others, now wants to use dead vets, who he considers “suckers and losers” for his advantage, even though it is prohibited to do so at this location…seems about right…
  9. This poor man is so misunderstood and maligned…he only wants what is best for the country, to rid us of the scum and vermin in a final solution..! To create the great superior race that will conquer the world and rid society of evil! To create a 4th reich that will rise to glory, today Washington DC tomorrow the world..!!!
  10. I had to look that one up…proud to say I had no clue who he was…unlike you…
  11. This is a very popular dance in San Francisco, they got the “M” wrong…
  12. As was reported here, it apparently is now official, inbound airport duty free is now closed, thus forcing tourists to pay more for stuff elsewhere…. Honestly, I only ever found the promotional prices to be better in Duty free such as Black label at B1200/liter vs about 1700 at a 7/11 or elsewhere…but I really don’t think it is a good decision…
  13. Leather work and mustache grooming were always hobbies, taught in public schools now, was never into weaving or scrolls calligraphy etc…as for historical recreation, there is the annual recreation of the Ancient Greek bath ritual which follows the annual gay prance down market street, we wait until it over so as not to have our event confused with anything gay…
  14. Old Hippie


    That was also around the time Some famous model with an autistic kid started blaming the vaccines for her kids autism. Forget her name at the moment… Now, as I understand it, that has been disproven and yet the anti Vac sentiment is strong there…
  15. The damned link wants me to play some puzzle game before I can enter, fuck that…WTF are you on about here..?
  16. It does, when making a point in furtherance of the idea, that the cashless providers can cut you off at will. Well, the government could also, as many have feared, recall currency or just plain outlaw it, convert it etc…when the USA started adding “anti counterfeit stripes into the currency 40 years ago, many claimed it was a tracking device to see where you got your money and spent it…if it showed up in the underground economy, they could nail you, so everyone started removing the strips…then, when they scanned the money to see if it was counterfeit, the money didn’t pass even though it was legit… At some point, I will post some of the conspiracy crap I have been told by coworkers, people in passing etc…not sure where to post it, in General? USA thread? Non-Thai news or in the joke section…the sad part is, many do believe it…
  17. No, 127 told me it was something you and he did in the back of Casanova for spare change, I of course had no idea what it meant until he offered to show me, in which case, I immediately knew it was gay…I learned other things on fire island, like flower arranging and interior decorating as well as proper hors’duvour planning but nothing gay of course…
  18. I don’t think it would be all that difficult to shut things down. Any pay app on your phone is usually tied to a credit card or bank account, so shutting down your bank account might accomplish the same thing. Or “they” could just shut down your phone and ATM…trust me, if “that” really want to get you, they can do it really fast. The government knows everything about you already…look what little time it took them to identify the trump shooter…just with a finger print scanner…or was it more..? (Paranoia) Time to change the tinfoil in my MAGA hat…
  19. Hence why I am fearful of “bit coin” and other “block chain currencies” (if that is the correct term?). Do not like the idea of 100% cashless either…allows for privacy invasions and too much control. Not sure how it goes anywhere else, but here in the USA, if you go to buy groceries at certain chains, they offer one price if you are NOT a “club member” and a much better/lower price for “members” They also offer special “Q code sales” and “digital insider” prices that are insanely low. If you use all the codes and specials, you can save a small fortune…however, all that comes with a price. What price? Your privacy, the chain (in this case Safeway/Vons) tracks everything you buy…what do they do with that info? Well, someone will pay them for it…health insurance companies being a big one…. There is a reason they don’t just lower the price and charge the same price for everyone…. But enough of this conspiracy Nuttery, where should I send you “MAGA” hat?
  20. Case of corporate CEOs and politicians, the second one…. In the USA, a wacker is a jack off, a jerk off, a guy who spanks it…a mqasturbator. However to ”Wack a guy,” is the same as “offing a guy, “ meaning to kill them. However, “wacking a guy off” has a different meaning…
  21. Me or my company? I’m here and there, will wrap it up in 3 years or so and then just there…the company is head quartered in Chicago.
  22. Old Hippie


    Correction, I had it 4 times, 3 times after I started vaccines…2 times within about 6 months or less…have to wait 90 days from last case to get yet another vaccine…. First time, I felt like that was it, near death, coughed so bad I nearly passed out…very sick and nasty… Omnicron version wasn’t so bad…last 2 times were bad, like a weak flu…. May get the 5th shot before we go to Surin next month…
  23. Old Hippie


    Marin Country, just over the Golden Gate Bridge, is one of the weariest counties in the USA, well educated etc… Yet, for some reason, it is also one of the most “Unvaccinated” counties in the USA…Also one of the highest levels of breast/“woman” cancer per capita in the USA… No idea what to make of all this…had 4 covid shots, also had covid 4 times, twice I started getting vaccinations…now being told vaccines work differently than they previously told me they worked… Oh well, play the game and carry on…
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