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Old Hippie

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About Old Hippie

  • Birthday 05/21/1913

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    Surin/San Francisco
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    Everything...food, scuba...fun...

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  1. Just had an argument with a noted (in his own mind maybe?) German former journalist /can’t get work/blames the Thais and Americans for it ex board member (KS gave him Das Bootinzeeassoff) and blocked him on all social media…not sure what it is with some of these people but when I hear “quality German tourist” I can’t help but think it is an oxymoron like “Military intelligence” or Jumbo shrimp” or “Enlightened American…” I’ve had many coworkers who went to Thailand and made asses of themselves and I’ve seen many asses of all nationalities over the years and I can’t help but wonder why Thailand would want to seek out anymore of this sort? Most of the tourists we get in the USA are actually “quality people” and I wish Americans would be nicer to them.
  2. Old Hippie


    I tried to access the recipe forum, but there is some “error.” As many know, I love to cook (not in a gay way) and was looking to see what was there…nothing…anyway, off to cook something and get even fatter…
  3. I share your feelings (NOT in a gay way of course) and having lived most of my life in San Francisco, ground zero for this LBGTQAETC crap, I too am very sick of it. Here of course, we take it even further…a child of ANY age can now declare they are a different gender or no gender and do as they please, parents are even encouraged to play along, and there is a push for “gender reassignment surgery/medications” for kids of all ages. Our governor “Gayvan Screwsem” (Gavin Newsome) passed a bill that says schools can allow kids to declare a different gender, store clothes and what not, and the school cannot tell the parents I mean seriously, WTF? As na young good looking blonde kid growing up here I can tell you these homos ARE VERY predatorial and harass and stalk others, it is NOT a healthy behavior and when men do it to women it is borderline illegal. Yet, the pickle kissers seem to get away it and you better look over your shoulder in lockerooms and restrooms etc… We were in Taiwan Dang in Surin 2 years back and some toothless old fag who worked there was cruising the men’s room, it is annoying and disgusting and should come as no surprise to anyone why AIDS spreads so fast among these sick fucks… All fine and dandy for this very small minority to live as they want, but no need to “celebrate” every damned thing, no need for a flag flying at government buildings and embassies around the world etc… You cannot change your gender anymore than you can change your race, age etc, so stop forcing everyone to play along with this nonsense! You bang a dude in a skirt, you are banging a dude, gay plains simple even the psychiatric community is divided on this…no apparent physical cause so many consider it what it is, a personality disorder or “deviance from the norm” others say “oh whatever, all normal here, play along or you are the wrong one…” WTF is it these people are supposed to be so proud of anyway? Why do these people need a whole month to “celebrate” and to be “celebrated” yet veterans only get 1 day a year? Sick of the whole load of crap…but I don’t want to rant and be labeled “intolerant…”
  4. In his defense, he was on his way to a trump rally…
  5. No, she was young. Had been battling cancer for years.
  6. Dr. Ruth, the sex expert died…as did Shannon Dohrety and Richard Simmons and Shelly Duval…bad weekend for old celebs…
  7. An alleged American Comedian named Kathy Griffin made a comment about Trump and posted a picture holding up what was supposed to be his severed head. The secret service swooped in on her and she had to be interviewed by some security detail to make sure she wasn’t a real threat…now with all the Trump jokes, I wonder if they will have time..? Memes like this are funny though…
  8. Watching the Thai series “Bad Boys” on Netflix, pretty good so far…
  9. Biden supposedly said in a speech “…it was time to put Trump in the cross hairs…” so that is being misconstrued to mean Biden called for this…. Trump ran his mouth on May occasion when violence followed, so maybe they are trying to twist it? Kinda like when you point out anyone of his faults and they counter with “well what about Hillary…” as if that makes it all o.k.
  10. Separatist have been claiming this for years and they have wanted it for years. At the end of the day, I think a lot of these white separatist types are all talk and only do their worst when they have someone out numbered…
  11. Not necessarily, and that caliber does weird things especially if it was a full metal jacket, which is most commonly sold for that rifle. High velocity rounds like that vaporize when they hit anything, branches, thick brush, etc. So if it hit his ear as a glancing shot, then it could have cut him up pretty badly. He is damned lucky, 1/2 inch more to the shooters right and yeah, different conversation.
  12. If you look at the pictures/video after the shots, both teleprompters are still intact as is the podium. My understanding is, the teleprompters and podium and “bunting” around the area are all made of bulletproof material. Trump is just damned lucky, others not so lucky. Originally, “eye witnesses” said a woman had been shot in the arm, but all those killed or wounded were male. A lot of rhetoric from the usual online nut job jobs, “…it was the Jews, we want revenge…” “…the shooter worked for Soros…” “…the shooter was a Zionist…” etc… One question that is legitimate is “how the fuck did a guy with a rifle get that close to a former president and current candidate..?”
  13. Trump shot in the ear…usually he shoots his mouth off… 1 dead, 2 wounded, shooter killed…..more details to come…
  14. Overall, how are the rest of the thailand nightlife boards going these days? See remember Bangkok nights Baron bong Bangkok tonight and a few others… I don’t know if any of them are even still around anymore. The same goes for the dedicated Pattaya boards. Either way I’m willing to kick in a few bucks to keep it all going. Who knows there may even be a resurgence at some point.
  15. Trump or Biden for that matter…there are people I’d rather see, but they aren’t running…I liked Bernie Sanders, but Hillary and her ego driven shenanigans got in the way…and she ran a poor/arrogant campaign… When Trump got elected, there was a billboard with George Bush 2 that read “…miss me yet..?” In short, as bad as he was, Trump was actually a bigger embarrassment… People back trump because he is a master manipulator. He tells these rubes what they want to hear. Dave Chappelle did a bit about how the poor white trash felt Trump was going to Washington to represent them…Chappelle, who is black and rich, said “…no, he is going to Washington to represent me…” Biden is a corrupt toss bag and Harris is awful herself. Her career got a boost because she was banging the married mayor of San Francisco, even he thinks she is a hypocrite and a liar…mark my words, *IF* Biden runs and wins, he will not finish the term and Harris will appoint Gavin Newsome, her old boss, as her VP…all a game…
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