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Old Hippie

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Old Hippie last won the day on February 13

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About Old Hippie

  • Birthday 05/21/1913

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    Surin/San Francisco
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    Everything...food, scuba...fun...

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  1. Maybe start by telling us what type of stuff you are interested in. What I find from many of the “influencers” and bloggers is they are mainly interested in focusing on the food and how cheap everything is and partying with other farangs (foreigners, specifically white ones). Some are seeking a “spiritual experience “ by getting a Tattoo and want to know what ink shop is best etc… Others do really want to see the place, go scuba diving, hiking, experience the non tourist areas as well as the popular areas and others are solely interested in the bars and massage shops…I can say we have all literally been there and done that, so tell away and ask away and we can start trying to tell you what we know and don’t know.
  2. These people have been known to literally kill each other over this type of crap…part of “the culture…”
  3. Gavin Newsome aka Screwsem is also a piece of shit who is at least partially responsible for the water issues in California and is also a corrupt piece of shit… Mélania is hot…
  4. Coss said that, but point taken…on the other hand, if the government doesn’t fund it then there is no money to steal…or something like that, either way, smoking causes cancer and these kids did it to themselves…let them eat cake… I can tell you, as an American ready to retire (later than planned thanks to another republican, GWB, allowing my airline to gut my pension) I am living in fear of what this regime will allo to happen what little I have left vis a vis savings/investments and government retirement money and medical…both of which suck already…
  5. Correct, however, she maintained her ties to Compton. Also, if I have it right, she left Florida to return to Compton to be coached by her parents after some issue with the coach in Florida. Her father supposedly didn’t like the “Tennis is all there is “ attitude that the coach had and wanted them to try and grow up as “…normal little girls.” Their father also stressed academics more than the coach. I remember that from her bio and a documentary I saw about her and her sister Venus. But yes, I think she was born in Saginaw Michigan. Not sure if Ali was from the “hood” He grew up in a segregated south, Louisville Kentucky. Malcolm X was originally from Omaha Nebraska and then moved to Michigan and ended up in foster homes…the story goes that his family was burned out of their home by KKK members in Omaha and Lansing (?) Michigan. So not sure if it was really the “hood” either if there were enough white people/kkk sorts around…Either way, I like the Williams sisters and I think their parents did a great job raising them.
  6. “….I know I get criczized by the left, the people who hate this country for many things, I know they aren’t happy that I cut funding that was supposedly for cancer, we know, and you can ask any one this, it has been in all the reports, these “kids” are really midgets sent here to dress in drag in mingle on school yards corrupting our American kids, the kids of voters just like yourselves and the January 6 hostages, in an attempt to weaken our nation and Christian values. They were sent here by China, we know they were bred in a lab much like the one Fauchi funded with your tax dollars, near Wuhanand smuggled in here, through our southern border, that Joe Biden opened up for any and all to come here and ruin this country…So I stopped it, you can hate me for it, but it is what America and god needed me to do…”-DJT
  7. I was going to comment on this elsewhere, and perhaps might in my Super Bowl thread in sports, but to answer the question asked here “…Where is the national outrage..?” Well if you follow the news here, you will see that the current rage is over Serena Williams “Crip walking” on stage during the 1/2 time show, during a “dis rap” about her ex… Apparently, she is a married woman with kids and thus has no business 1)enjoying herself or 2) dancing while her ex is being “dis’d in a rap…” Additional outrage is over the singing of the national anthem…apparently, people were not happy on how it was performed…by a black man…hmmm…wait, the rap was by a black guy, Serena is black, anthem was sung by a black man…complaints all around…if I didn’t know better, I’d almost think Americans had something against music and dance during sporting events…Nah, just business as usual in the USA… “Dis rap’= a rap song or “rap” (slang for talking) to a beat where in someone or something is “Disrespected” ”Crip walk”= a type of hip hop dance where in one sort of dances while walking. Serena is from Compton California, home a several different “Crip sets” or group of young urban gentlemen who are members of an organization known as “Crips” The color they often sport so as to identify one another. Serena was wearing blue while dancing in the style of the aforementioned “Crip Walk.” Many feel it was extra wrong because her 1/2 sister was shot and killed by members of the “Crips.” She has done this type of dance at Wimbledon and a few other places while wearing her tennis clothes with no issue.
  8. A lot of chief’s fans have “meat sticks” in their mouths…
  9. I used to live in Philadelphia, so I’ll go with/for the Eagles… Perv loved the Vikings who missed the boat this year…and I know the rest of you don’t give a shit…555
  10. “…Felix, AKA a, Barry Seal, El Gordo, Gene Hassenfuss, etc… if that was in fact the person or persons to which you may or may not referring to, I may or may not have met, at that time, the time I think you are referring to, then I can honestly say, to the best of my recollection, as of this time, I simply do not recall this meeting, which is to neither confirm nor deny that anything of this sort may have occurred, nor didn’t occur, I am simply saying, as of now, to the best of my recollection, I don’t recall the matter mentioned…if you can provide further details to jog my memory, maybe but as of now, no…that is my answer to what I believe was your question senator…”
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