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Mac OS X Panther


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I'm not exactly what you would call an early adopter. But I did upgrade to Panther and am enjoying expose, although I still miss virtual desktops. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned to someone who works at iTunes that I usually turn of the Finder when I'm at work, so he sent my a copy of Panther and yes the finder is much improved. For the benifit of other OS X users I wanted to post a link to macosxhints.com they are running a series on Panther (10.3) Hints.


And a shout out to Artiew, Fink has now moved to gcc 3.3, so they are in some respects on the same page as Apple now.

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Thanks, Adik.


We actually get Panther free (as in beer !) here at work, so I'm keen to install it on my iBook when it comes back from the local Mac shop (loose connection causing the screen to blank out ...). Apple have just dropped the prices on the 1GHz eMac here in Oz (which probably means they did it in the US months ago), and its a very attractive option for an 'all-in-one' machine. I can get an eMac with 1GB of RAM and an 80GB hard drive for less than I'd pay for a capable desktop from Compaq or Dell - its just a case of timing. Buying a new home makes you think about boring stuff like landscaping - I know how long it takes for plants to grow high enough to block out the neighbours :)


Anyway, if I can scrounge the asking price, I still have to endure a ten-day wait for Apple in Sydney to 'build' the thing and ship it up to me. Wasnt it exactly that sort of pathetic leadtime that led to Apple getting itself into so much trouble back in the 80's/early 90's ? Its particularly upsetting when Dell and Compaq are bending over backwards to get systems to their customers ASAP - if only *they* sold Macs :)

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seems that OZ resellers and apple are not on the same page




Mind you the time it takes apple to get stuff to us down in Oceania, is too long. And I'm down stream from you in middle earth.


And as I'm talking about delays, our IT team is taking forever to get me a new 'book so I'll just have to wait until they open their eyes and and see the paperwork that's been on the desk in front of them for 2 months...


But on a positive note, what I've seen of Panther is an improvement over Jaguar, so I'm waiting for my upgrade with impatience.





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Thanks, Coss, I wasnt previously aware of the NCR 'takeover' in Oz - what a *sham*.


BTW, I think I just *got* the 'Middle Earth' thing, Frodo :) As we enter another blazing CQ summer, I kinda wish I was luxuriating in something a little milder, although I'm told that some of the South Island's glaciers have begun to melt, so that may mean that things will get a bit more *tropical* in your part of the world .....

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