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all BG's in isaan now


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>believe me the ones I spoke to we're with families & without costumers.


I loved to ask my bg acquaintances how often they go home. Some who have children do go, maybe once every 3-4 months.

Those with no children - once per year or once in 2 years. However, their email records show they are more upcountry than in BKK.

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>What is i with reading constantly e-mails of Bgs?


What reading??


I used to write emails for them! Is it possible to write without reading?


Rarely over last year but, before, they would ask me to check what did they say to a particular guy in one or more of previous mails.


Never assisted in money related scamming, just regular "hi honey, sorry, i was in my hometown".

I did not ask where they really were.

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pattaya127 said:

it seems that quite a number had cash to go home visit their families!


Are you sure? Someone posted he has years of experience (it take longer for some ;)) and KNOW that the girls abandon their families and children ::.

I don't understand this comment. May be, I am following the wrong folder (this is nightlife, isn't it?) ::


However, I am going out (yep, first hand experience!) and the girls told me, they were going home.

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"IMO, girls "visiting home" are plainly with customers on one location or another."


Actually the ones I see here in Surin over the holidays usually are alone. I'd say maybe 15 to 20 % with their sponsor, the rest, not lucky enough to have the walking ATM along, just bring along whatever cash they have and party with the family until broke and needing another cash infusion. They are usually fairly easy to spot as working girls. Age, dress, gold, attitude sometimes, (amazing how they'll give you the vibes that it may just be possible to grab a short time even here up country when seeing them on the street or in a shop) sets them apart from the actual schoolgirls/shop lasses and such. Not hard to spot with some experience in the scene.


"Going to their villages now (unless with a paying customer) would be similar to closing a gift shop during Xmas shopping rush."


Well, they don't (most) seem to care about that. The prettier ones especially. They know it won't take too long

once back in BKK or PTTY to replenish their pocketbook with some baht from a kind and horny gent or two. It's why you see so many of the lesser good lookers still working in the bars over the holidays really. They can take up the slack and make a few baht standing in for the stunners and superstars while they are away in the Isaan. And visit the family later with some cash made over the holidays. It's not just the BG's that have this attitude about money either. Many shops close up for the holidays, (like for 4 or 5 days too! Not just for the holiday day itself.)when actually with all the people travelling around the country they could probably make a lot of money keeping the shop open catering to the travellers. Thais seem to care more about visiting the family and friends and partying during the holidays than making money. Sanuk and all that. Hard to understand when you see they/a lot of them don't make much, and could possibly make a killing over the holiday by working, and visit the family later with even more baht to burn, but hey, TIT.



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"so if you spot any of the hot BG's up there on the loose partying wild say hi"


I'll be sure to tell them you are waiting anxiously for their return back in Bangers! :-)


"or enjoy"


Hmmmmm. Doubt the wife would approve. :-) Have seen quite a few tender morsels about the past week or two though. One in Surin Plaza shopping mall had me turning my head like Linda Blair in the exorcist! Fucking choice she was! The wife spotted my interest and asked me what I thought of her. "You think sexy?" "Sure! Why don't you buy her for me for a Xmas present darling?!" She started laughing and made to run after the lady to "buy" her for me. Luckily the wife knows my sense of humor, and doesn't usually get upset when I say things like this on occassion. She knows I'l be in her bed each evening, although maybe replaying my brain video of the earlier spotted lass as we are getting down to it. :-)



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>Actually the ones I see here in Surin over the holidays usually are alone. I'd say maybe 15 to 20 % with their sponsor,


Geez, are they that many in Surin right now that you can slice them in percentage layers and draw pie charts? :)


I did not see any in my gf's hometown. But, first time exposed to Pattaya nitelife a few days ago, I would have thought there is no female in Thailand left that's not on the Walking street or around there!

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