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Best piece of advice you've got through this board ??


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What is your best piece of advice you have got through this board?

For me it's simple.

It's not how much ST or LT costs are or which hotel is good or where you can find the best girls.

Some people on the old delphi board told that they laid the "payment" next to the girls purse when she was in the shower.

Great and effective advice!!!

So both me and the girl can avoid the unpleasant situation when i have to put the money into her hands.

It always works out fine for me, certainly as she shows her appreciation for his by saying thank you when she leaves.



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I always use that method for payment. It just seems wrong to hand the money to the girl like you are paying for the sex you just had (I know that's what you are doing, but like to maintain the illusion!). Most times the girl won't even mention the money and just quietly put it in her purse.

The old Delphi board was invaluable to me in preparing for my first trip over here. I can't even think of any one particular piece of advice because I learned so much from everyone.


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Best piece of advice from the Old Board?

Easy.......Don't fall in love with them :-))

I almost did, with one BG I saw for a while and had to constantly remind myself that whilst the illusion was fun and felt so real...it was still an illusion.


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Quoting Bangcock:

"Some people on the old delphi board told that they laid the "payment" next to the girls purse when she was in the shower."

Before or after the deed?

I did this only once (after) and the girl did not understand why exactly the money was there. It got her very confused and embarrassed.

I agree on price afterwards depending on service.

The best piece of advice? "Don't go here or there." I usually will for experimentation....

[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: thalenoi ]

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Who cares how you give them the money? Be real - like they REALLY care..

The never fall in love advice is more apt and you have to remember it every night. It's like the film 'Memento' (excellent film, by the way), where a guy with a 5 minute memory span has to write down or tattoo himself with everything of importance, because every time he wakes up, he doesn't know anything again.

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I'm a relative newcomer. I've already picked-up many invaluable recommendations. Too many to mention, but the ones that are especially noteworthy and I can remember right now are:

1. If you plan on living in LOS/BKK, or staying for an extended period of time, you must learn to "lower your standards." LOS is not utopia, but it's paradise in many ways.

2. For the sexworkers, "it's all about the money."

3. We males can contract an STD via oral sex performed on us. I always knew that the mouth harbored a lot of germs, but STDs? That was a revelation! No more BBBJ for me.

4. A good rule-of-thumb on normal price ranges for bargirls ST/LT in Nana, PP, Cowboy, Pattaya, and for freelancers. I know NOT to pay more than a certain amount, and I know when someone's trying to exploit the situation.

5. Best hotel values on/near Sukhumvit Rd. Grand President, Majestic, Dynasty, Nana.

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Confidence, Confidence to step out of my little box of life and do what I always dreamed of. This board has helped me learn there is another world beyond the Land of Zion
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Well, this will date me a little, but the best piece of advice I received from this board, was from the pre-Delphi Nanaplaza board. Someone who used to post as Ross, aka "King Ross" because of his exploits with Thai university students, explained the roles of security and jealousy in the Asian woman psyche. Never forgot it, and it has been invaluable in understanding what makes my gf tick.

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