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Wondering why TG USA airfares are increasing?


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Just a small correction, it was former CEO Jim the asshole Goodwin (akaBad LOss) who made the bankruptcy claims. Incidently, these claims were made long before "9-11." Also, the threats of layoffs. As for the airplanes UA is grounding, allmost all of them were set to be grounded this year. They are behind in that area, because they need the planes, why I don;t know, they keep saying passangers are down. All a lot of crap if you ask me.

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Old Hippie--

I stand corrected.. I got my CEO's out of order.. It was indeed the most current ex-CEO Goodwin who made the veiled threats about bankruptcy..

I too have heard that UA was already set to retire some of the older B727-300's and -400's as UA is slated to take delivery of some new generation B737-800's later in 2002 and I recall that there are some Airbus due for delivery in 3rd or 4th quarter this year.


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Yeah, basically what has happened was set to happen prior to 9-11, so they are just hyping it to lower demands for the workers. The bastards even pulled all offers off the table and said flat out, no raise, we need concessions, fuck them! Every other group has gotten at least 2 raises, and retro pay...explains why we take a strike vote tomorrow. With government intervention, it should be wrapped up in about 70+ days or so.Odd think that it would take an act of congress to get a pay raise! But that is what happens when inept management lets things go to far...ooops, venting again

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Midwest Express is also a well-run airline, though obviously much smaller than SW. They have limited their routes and provide top notch service. Use DC-9s and MD-88s. One class service, meals served on china, the works. All for flights between say, Milwaukee and NYC.

It used to be a part of Kimberly-Clark, the tissue company!

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Midwest Express is a very classy operation. A lot like flying used to be! I can remember when I was just a young hippie, the piano bars on 747's and the chef making omlettes to orfer on DC-10's wow, then deregulation...and it all sucks, and no one makes any money...well, tickets are cheaper...not sure who won here, certainly not the employees, and the flying public suffers as well. True, cheaper tickets, but at what real price?

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Sadly, it may well be just that. As a kid, flying on state department expense, I can remember flying as something grand. Now it is just a flying Greyhound (bus for you non Yanks) with fuck you service if you're lucky. Deregulation did make it cheaper to fly, it also put a lot of people/carriers out of business. Now everyone scrambles for small profits, so they say. I don't much care for many government controls, but clearly something has to be done in this industry if what they say is even half way true (I doubt it is). Competent management would be a good start. An end to "golden parachutes" and tying executives compensation to profits would be another...but what do I know?

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Old Hippie--

Yeah I know.. I just don't buy the argument that big airlines can't be profitable.. I look at the likes of Southwest (not exactly a small outfit anymore) and regional players that are strong (and gaining strength) suchas Midway, JetBlue and AirTran (from the former ValueJet) just to name a few..

My argument that a big national (or international) carrier can't be profitable is Continental.. look at them now since Bethune (from Boeing) came in the have risen remarkably from the Lorenzo-era... I thought they were as good as dead.. but in came Gordon.. riding a Harley, smoking a fat Cubano and he told it like it was... a few years later.. look at 'em now...


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PS: CO & LUV are my two best transport stocks I still own.. laugh.gif" border="0

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Yeah, I rode the ship down at Continental, under that bastard Lorenzo, sad non of the attempts on his life succeded, scum like that shouldn't be breathing. Odd how he and Ican were buddies as were Wolf and Crandel, as were/are Dudda and Ganwal (UA and US air) odd, that tyhese cronie networks seem to be fucking up air travel. I agree, big carriers can be profitable. As for the Harley riding ceo at CO, same with Southwest, both don't follow the traditional screw the public and employees mentality that seems so prevalent at the other majors. This new mentality may well be what saves the airline industry!

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I think that most major us carriers just over extended themselves during the de-regualtion period.. At one point (remember this) UA served every state in the US (before the creation of UX and UA shuttle)??

The airline payroll got bloated and then the top brass forgot (somewhere) that it is the front-line employees (cabin staff) that have the greatest impact on the passengers opinion of the flight.. To combat the growing expenses, the airlines trimmed employee benefits, salaries and made the unions enemies rather than as a "partner" in the process..


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