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Thai immune system versus falang


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How often you guys who live in Thailand get sick from the food? My longest period in Thailand was four months and I think I was at least a littlebit sick two times every month. Really pissed me off and I started to be really careful what I eat after couple of food poisonings.

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>>>How often you guys who live in Thailand get sick from the food? <<<



once a while a slight diaria for a few days, nothing which bothers me.


many years ago in india i had one bad year where i got one thing after the other - amoeba, bacteria, worms. during my last trips to india though - nothing at all. not one day of the shits. and i still eat and drink almost everything there.

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When I was living in the US, I could go for years without a bout of the squirts but having lived in Asia, I get it all the time. When I go back ot the US, things firm up nicely, but it seems like when I get off the plane in Singapore or Thailand, I just breath the air and get the squirts. I've had a couple of serious incedents that I attribute to food poisioning, but mostly I think it's my bodies inability to deal with the bacteria.


One conclusion I've come to is the chili in the food. I love to eat chili and often I eat lots of prik with my meals. Seems the older I get, the less able I am to digest the chili. I have a idea, that if your body doesn't like something you eat, it wants to get it out asap. If I have a really spicy meal, I can count on a few emergency trips to the hong nam the next day.


Regarding Thais vs. Farangs, many of the Thais I know seem to make urgent trips to the crapper just like me, although I think the handle the chili better. Emergency trips to the crapper are so matter-of-fact with the Thais, they just seem to take it in stride.


One thing I can't get my wife to understand is the danger of leaving food out. In the US, I was always taught to put leftovers in the fridge. Thais will leave food out for days and nibble on it. I watched something on the tele that said 9 out of 10 times, when someone thinks they have the stomach flu, it's actually mild food poisioning and hence leaving food out is a big no no. Even in the fridge, it's not good to keep food for more than a few days. The other thing about leaving food out is that roaches and other squirmy things will walk on it which isn't good.

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>>>How often you guys who live in Thailand get sick from the food?


Travel to LOS since 1990 2x year, live here almost permanently since nov 2001, eat thai food all the time, last diarrhoea long time ago. Had it max 5 times in the early days. So I think our body builds protection against bacteria.


It seems very well known that our missusses have more problems, but then I dont eat lots of spicy som tam or Thiau Hong or whatever they call that Issaan fondue. It's so spicy the gf is in pain all night....

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Hi MM,


I was thinking yesterday why falangs get diarehea and Thais who eat the same food do not


This only holds true in Thailand, abroad it is more often the other way around.


When my missus has been away from the village for some time and returns in anticipation of having a serious som tham pla rah session she always comes down with a serious Bangkok Belly or in this case Ban Nork Belly.


The only time I got a stomach problem immobilizing me for a couple of days, was when I was invited to join a group of teachers I met during a Phu Kradung trek. On the way back on their pickup truck, they stopped outside of small restaurant and had Laap Neua Dip. I had no idea at the time that it was raw beef, just ate it like the rest of them did.

I very much doubt that any of them experienced any problems but I sure did.

Minced raw meat left exposed to heat etc. in a tropical enviroment sure wasn`t what my doctor ordered. :o



Hua Nguu

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