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About to be fired?


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Fidel said:

Frankly I am amazed that some one can be in a position to buy computers, but not know how to correctly go about it. Hence my comment.


To be honest I shouldn't even be in the position to buy PCs, but the GM asked me to arrange it. To bring him the purchase order, have him sign it and he'd make sure it was taken care. of.


The budget process is nothing to do with me. I am not aware of any budget for my area, which is frustrating as I don't know how much cash I can spend on resources and on day to day running. I've asked but I never get a straight answer.


The problem was the way it was dealt with. The FC is aware that the purchase has been signed for by the GM. He knows where there is and isn't money available and he knows where he's going to get it from.


All he had to do was discuss with the GM and ok the purchase under a Captial Expense Account. We had asked him repeatedly for his advice as we had been promised these computers among other things.


You're right, I know little about budgeting, but that's not what I do, at least it wasn't. Now, for the first time I have been asked to come up with a budget for next year... by tomorrow evening.


Well Fidel, I know exaactly what you are talking about. I worked for a joint Thai/Sino Hotel and f***g beancounters really thought they owned the place. :cussing: Then of course there was the Thai Gm who would rather do without (literally) teaspoons in the Coffee Shop because he could get them cheaper on his next trip to Bkk. :banghead:


Meanwhile the Chinese CFO and the Thai CEO had weekly head butting sessions just to see who had the thicker skull.


IMO, unless the GM is only a figurehead (often the case in Thai operations IME) then you are fine. Who are just being used as the whipping boy by the FC as he KNOWS he can't rag on the GM :) (Well he better not be able to unless his uncle is on the Board.)


Learn the politics of your resort........... it's the only way to survive without giving yourself an ulcer.


Budget for tonight....... no sweat.... ask for 3 times as much as you think you need and take half and then you can brag in a year how you came in under budget. Most likely will be more than they have now anyway, if they are typical. IME they almost all run by 'guestimate' especially the ones without a lot of years behind the operation. And since the 'guestimators' are usually 'beancounters' with no real experience they take numbers out of books and they wonder why it doesn't fit their operation.

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