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Alternative Medicine


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Alternative medicine?

My wife has been feeling run down over the last week or so (owns a restaurant) and wants to get ready for the very busy next 4-5 weeks.



Asked me to drive her out to Cabramatta...a suburb about 40 mins from Sydney.

This area has a huge population of Vietnamese,Thai and Chinese.



Great cheap shopping for food and all sorts of items.


The plan was to go and see a chinese..."doctor" for want of a better word.


Into this small strange looking shop we go , full of weird looking things all over the place :p


Had a Thai speaker "doctor" so she was directed to him.

I stepped out at this point..to check out the eye candy..(a punch in the arm was to follow)..we have been here before and the place is alive with cuties ::.



i am called back to help lug all this stuff back to the car.


The only thing with English letters on it is a huge bottle ..5.18L.

"Shiwan Mijiu...one glass a day for 7 days...contains whiskey she says.


Also a heap of dried things ..to cook up..and smell BTW...very bad.


Anyway..she is happy with all this stuff and says she will be ready for hard work in no time at all.


Any of you guys had your Thai wife/GF go off and see/buy this sort of ""medicine" :dunno:

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Very popular in Thailand TB, is my taek on this.


Been to a place myself and it's interesting. Our baby seemed to respond better to alternative medicine than to the standard 3 different kind of pills and one liquid from the standard docter.


My father in law seems to have some 'power' as well. Children with a certain rash come to see him and he can cure them apparently.


Seems that a lot of folks use both kinds of medicines so sometimes it's hard to say which one worked.

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After years of patronizing disdain, all the big multi-national drug companies are rushing around trying to put patents on a lot of traditional medicines.

There was a story in the New York Times last week about some weed in China that has been used locally as a very effective anti-malarial for many years. Some major drug co. bought the international rights, but refuses to cultivate enough of the weed to cover growing demand, thus denying it to the rest of the world. Not enough profit in it yet.



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I am strong believer in alternative medicine in many circumstances.


Provided the practitioner is a good one herbal extracts and dietary adjustments are better options for long term health than a lot of prescriptions drugs which often have very bad long term side effects.


Many people however prefer the quick fix that prescription drugs offer and refuse to take responsibility for their own health.


It really is a matter of choice.

Where possible i would try the herbal way and only resort to prescription drugs as a last resort.

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