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Brazil turns down US AIDS funds


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Brazil turns down US Aids funds


Aids campaigners have welcomed a decision by Brazil to turn down US funds because of a clause in the agreement condemning prostitution.


The US development agency, USAid, had offered Brazil around $40m (£21m).


But Brazil's top Aids official, Pedro Chequer, said the US' conservative approach to treating the disease would not help.


Correspondents say references to prostitution are likely to become a condition for all US Aids funding.


Washington says it is important not to promote prostitution, and does not want any of its funds to be spent on treating prostitutes.


US President George Bush has allocated $15bn to the worldwide fight against Aids.




Much of the spending is being channelled to programmes that advocate abstinence, rather than condom use, and cannot be used for abortions or to treat prostitutes.


But Aids activists in Brazil said the clause would hamper the treatment of infected sex workers and their clients.


Mr Chequer also called for official recognition of prostitution as a profession in Brazil.


Sex workers should have the right to collect state welfare payments like other workers, he said.


"That clause shows disrespect for sex workers. We advocate the legalisation of the profession, with the right to collect INSS [social security] and a pension," said Mr Chequer.


Sonia Correa, an Aids activist in Brazil, said accepting the US conditions would have set back a Brazilian programme that was successfully bringing down the infection rate.


"The US is doing the same in other countries - bullying, pushing and forcing - but not every country has the possibility to say no," she said, quoted in Britain's Guardian newspaper.






This time the US is sentencing hookers to death. Today Brazil, tomorrow the world, so it seems from the report. Not treating the prostitutes falls right in line with "abstinence only" and demonizing the folks who try to institute needle exchange programs. Do they really think that people think "If I only had a condom, I'd fuck the shit outta that ho'..." or "If I could only find a free needle, I'd mainline this lump of horse..." Sorry, if they want to do it, lack of a condom or a clean/free needle will not stand in their way.


Heartless and, actually, brainless behavior on the part of the folks who dreamed this up. But hey, that sums up this administration, dunnit? And of course the unwashed masses back in the States think that they are doing their part to fight AIDS cuz Bush said he was gonna spend $15B on it.




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Bush's ridiculous "teach them chastity" plan is as usual heavily influenced by the religious right.


Brasil's anti-AIDs model is totally opposed to the US views. Instead of teach abstinence, Brasil presumes people are going to fuck and has decided to stick to trying to get them to use condoms. As a result, AIDs epidemic in Brasil is under control.


Anyway this article is interesting Suadum. It's not the first time I hear that maybe soon pros in Brasil could be registered as legitimate workers.


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