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Diamonds in the rough!


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Good to see you back and posting! I look forward to your reports, stories, and input and info.


I have no idea why some try to impose their morals on others, especially when they have no clue as to the make-up of another person's marital arrangements, dynamics, and situation. No one is forced to read anything on here that they themselves personally find offensive or morally repugnant (sp?). Why some read in areas where they are bound to see something that offends them (for whatever reasons) is beyond my comprehension, unless they just love to be offended and want to find things to shit-stir and pontificate on. As far as I am concerned I couldn't give a flying fig what others are up to and what their marital status is when doing so. I believe that is between themselves and their mate. I personally have not 'cheated' on my wife since I knew I was in love with her and knew I wanted to marry her, but, I also know that it is foolish to not "never say never", as who the hell knows what the future will bring? Besides, my sins are my sins, my morals are my morals, no one else's.


But, off topic really.


Please do continue your posting, as I always find your posts amusing, well written, entertaining, and full of tidbits of info for the sanuker, married or not. :D And that is what THIS forum of the board is about and for, posting NL stuff.


Sad to say that some don't seem to understand this is why there are seperate forums on the board, so one can read and discuss what one wants and enjoys, and avoid what one doesn't want and does not enjoy. I think KS has done an excellent job of giving all here a variety of forums to enjoy within the reasonable rules he has set for the board.



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Guest lazyphil

<<Phil, good luck today. 5th race; 7, 3, 1!! >>


backed 5 horses, 5 flat races, all 3 legged donkeys :cussing:....anyway win or lose have a booze :drunk:....which i'll do right now, and i will refrain from posting drunk again :o

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To all,


I've been a bit under the weather the past couple of days and haven't left the room. I do have a lovely nurse taking care of me though :D.


I sort of expected this shit storm, in fact my closing paragraph was actually bait and it was taken hook, line and sinker. Thanks to those who defended me, and I won't go into the details of my marraige, but 'open' was a good description.


Skibum and the others who asked,


The bar is called TG Bar, and it's about in the middle of Soi 6 (closer to the 2nd road end). Not sure if it used to have a different name or it's a new bar? Anyway, they are doing things right. I forgot to mention that it's also the perfect diddlin' bar. Dim lighting, good music, diddlin' couches and ladies trained in the fine art of diddlin' :) :)


Part 2 coming soon....



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Lusty said:

Yeh,never mind about that,is the one with the big tits still about! ::




Sorry didn't see her this trip, and in fact Jimmy Bar doesn't seem to exist anymore. Did spot her last trip as she yelled out 'Ranger, I want to suck you long time' as I stolled down Soi Yodsak. Shy, she was not :).



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thai3 said:

some excuses for the adultery fans:





excuse one: no marriage is safe from adultery, it can happen to anyone.


Adulterers are rather mystical people. They have no explanation for anything, and don't want one. They prefer instead to shrug their shoulders and follow their feelings instead of using their minds. Adultery, to them, is much like love; it is causeless, groundless, and can descend on a couple like biblical locusts before they even know what hit them. Just ask an adulterer sometime to express his thoughts or her reasons for doing what they did; almost invariably the response is a wide-eyed shrug of ignorance or the silence of sheepish bewilderment. I don't know why it happened, they say. It just did.


This idea, that sex somehow "just happens" has surely got to be one of the biggest self-delusions ever perpetuated by mankind. Sex never "just happens" - it isn't like breathing or waking up in the morning or growing a beard - barring cases of rape, sex is always a conscious decision and a consensual act, something you very clearly either choose to do or not to do. People who like to claim that they mysteriously found themselves having sex one afternoon are either kidding themselves or the people they claim to love; the same can be said about extra-marital affairs, which, according to those in them, "happen" with the same alarming and bewildering suddenness.


I challenge this notion that adultery is like some sweeping plague that either enters your life and destroys it or mercifully passes you by. I challenge the notion that even the happiest of couples is vulnerable to the creeping evil of adultery. This attitude completely absolves grown adults of all responsibility for the choices they make in life and renders them little better than malleable children. It also makes marriage seem like some delicate orchid that must be sheltered from the strong winds of temptation and vice, or like some capricious and fragile gift of the gods that can be taken away as easily as it was given.


Marriage is as strong, or as weak, as the people in it and if it is entered into for the right reasons, is most definitely strong enough to keep adultery at bay. Adultery doesn't even skirt the perimeter of truly happy marriages. In truly strong, well-founded marriages, adultery is laughed at as the pitiful last resort of people who are too immature or too incapable of intimacy to understand what marriage really is. Adulterers need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions instead of trying to convince everyone else that it is a force beyond their control that they are powerless to stop. A marriage is only threatened by adultery if those in it allow it to be.



excuse 2: I was madly in love when I got married, but after __ years, the spark is gone.


This, if it were true, would be perhaps the only somewhat plausible explanation for adultery. It would not explain, however, why you are still married to someone you are not in love with, but I grant that the temptation to find a new lover would indeed be strong if you had lost the love of your life and found yourself aching for that kind of connection again.


The trouble lies in the inherent contradiction set out in this kind of statement. "I was madly in love", it begins...and "but I'm not anymore." is essentially how it ends. This doesn't make any sense, if you understand that love is caused by shared values and doesn't just up and die one day like a neglected goldfish. Are people who use this line saying that their spouse suddenly did an about face and turned into a completely different person after a few years? If that's so, why aren't they headed straight for divorce court? Why on earth would you stay married to a virtual stranger who bears no resemblance to the person you married?


Because these people are not saying their spouse turned into a different person or that their values suddenly changed so drastically that they weren't the same person. In many of the extra-marital website forums, the most common complaint heard from adulterous spouses has nothing to do with the personality or values of their spouse ( who is almost always praised as an incredible wife, mother, friend, companion, all-round person). The problem is simply that their mate looks different than they did __ years ago when they first married.


Unfortunately, the largest number of complaints about dwindling physical attractiveness come from men (who themselves are likely balding or the proud possessor of a spare tire) who seem to think, somehow, that even though they age and gain weight and become less sexually adept, that their wives should be miraculously immune from these changes and should remain nineteen year old hardbodies for the rest of their lives. In the absence of such a miracle, these men believe that they are entitled to have as much sex as they want with young babes - they somehow believe they deserve such bounty and that young women should fall all over themselves to oblige. This is not only supremely stupid, it is also completely insulting to the vibrant human being they married and whom they dismiss because she isn't good looking enough for them.


Anyone who can look at the woman who carried and delivered their children, who put her body through tremendous stress and alteration to do so, who spent the last __ years raising and caring for them and who also probably held down a job at the same time and say "I'm going to have sex with someone else because you don't look like a Playboy bunny" doesn't deserve a wife, a family or even the smallest amount of love, affection or regard. This kind of person is a stunted teenager, someone who clearly never really loved his wife at all and someone who thinks so little of sex, so little of the bond two people can share and so little of himself that he believes the only thing worth having in life is meaningless sex with a good looking shell.


These people were obviously not madly in love when they got married, they were obviously smitten with someone's beauty and horny for their cute little body, and thought this meant they were in love. They thought beauty was the only value worth having in life and that marriage would require nothing more than a twenty-two inch waistline and a D cup. They never bothered to fall in love with a whole person, their beauty included, they convinced themselves that falling for an exterior was all that was needed for a lifetime of wedded bliss.


Of course the spark is gone from these marriages; it was never there in the first place. Adulterers should at least be honest with themselves and admit that they either didn't hold out for someone whose mind and character they loved as much as their body, or else they are completely incapable of feeling that kind of deep admiration and love for another person, and have to satisfy their sexual urges in as meaningless a way as possible. Which leads to the most common excuse of all:



excuse 3: I still love my spouse.


No, you don't.


I don't know how anyone can say this with a straight face. If you were really in love with your spouse, you wouldn't be having sex with other people. And even if you were no longer passionately in love, if you had even the slightest concern or regard for the person you're married to, you wouldn't deceive them in such a disrespectful, dishonourable way. If you really loved them, you would respect them enough to be honest with them about your feelings, even if it means an uncomfortable situation or possibly a divorce. Lie to yourself all you like, but adultery means the irretrievable loss of love, and consequently, the loss of any basis you might have had for being married.



There's no end to the excuses adulterers will make for themselves, probably because deep down, no one wants to admit that they're immoral or making serious errors of judgement. Maybe if we shattered the myths about what adultery is and why it happens, they wouldn't be able to hide behind excuses anymore and would have to face the truth about how they choose to live their life. Without that "moral" sanction, without their myths to back them up, I wonder how many of them would still have the courage to cheat.


Sad that adulterers, and worse are looked up to as nightlife heros by some on this board. ::

here endeth the sermon-peter









I suppose if Peter were here (I know he is somewhere!) he could at least answer why he plagerized this "sermon" of his without citing the true author of the writing presented here. Peter didn't write this, but lifted it off another site. Yeah, not as bad as screwing around on the wife, but still, a bit of dishonesty here isn't it Peter? So eloquent, using others words as your own that is.



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"I did not intend to post on this board again partly due to it's suport of these adultery reports(if only passively)"


Really? Then why are you fighting so hard to keep coming back on the board and continue it at all if you find this so offensive and no longer want to be associated with this board? Why do you even read the nightlife section at all? Aren't you getting married soon? What possible information would you need from here if you are getting married yourself? If you are not participating in it, have no plans to, and find this stuff offensive, just don't read it. It really is that simple. Some here are not as judgmental and can read these things without feeling the need to condemn others. It's a fuck report for chrissakes. What do you or anyone here care really? Is it your wife? Do you know the circumstances of the marriage and relationship?

Who the fuck are you to judge? An ex-whoremonger suddenly growing morality and principle. That's a bit hypocritical isn't it? Sort of like an ex-smoker all of a sudden a rabid anti-smoker. I know you can read this, even if just as a 'guest' now.


"and partly due to the way certain posters have been hounded off over the past few months."


Except MM ( a blatant though harmless troll, but still an inane disruption in most threads) the other ex-poster wasn't hounded off, he left, because he was losing his argument and bolstering his argument with complete hyperbole and bullshit observations. He was banned because of more stupid comments he said that got back to the board owner after he left. Hounded? Hardly I'd say. More like he was the one doing the hounding and people finally stood up and said "enough is enough with this guy's bullshit accusations, slanders, and skewed POV and rhetoric" on the subject at hand at the time. How dare they huh? He and others can say what they want, condescend to others, call them outrageous names, and if anyone dares to stand up to their bullshit it is then "hounding". It works both ways man.


"You are quite right to ask the question, but I expect your comments will be called 'sanctimonious crap' as were mine a few days ago by KS."


Because that is what they truly are. And over the years he has repeatedly warned you and bent over backwards trying to be as fair as possible.


"In that particular case the adulterer did happen to have a good excuse as his wife was not well."


Yet not knowing the circumstances of his relationship you chose to berate him anyway, right?


"However, looking back at posts refering to his last trip 5 years ago he was visiting cambo brothels then, well before the following circumstances."


Here again, how do you know how long these 'circumstances' were going on, and when they started? I didn't see any timeframe written by this poster as to when his wife became ill. Do you even know the man, or his wife?


"If KS wants to tolerate this sort of thing it's up to him"


Exactly true, and if you insist on not tolerating this "sort of thing" you have every right to leave, or to not read this sort of thing by not reading in the areas you KNOW there are these sorts of things. What, someone has a fucking gun to your head forcing you to read each and every post from each and every poster? No, you don't, but continue to do so anyway. For what reason? Do you always seek out things that offend your sensibilites"


"but I don't want to asscociate myself with this sort of crap."


Then don't! It's quite simple, don't read what you know is there, or don't read certain posters whose posts YOU find offensive. No one forces you to. And now KS has wisely helped you to no longer have to be subjected to such, nor the rest of us be subjected to your silly harangues on the subject as well.


"There's nothing in it that any decently motivated person would find interesting, funny or sexy."


Says you, right? So your morals, likes and dislikes must rule over all else here and the rest of us should bend to your will and wants, because why, YOU say so? Who the hell are you to tell me or anyone else on here what is acceptable for us to read and enjoy? Who made you the moral final word on this board? Or all of the boards you've been thrown off of? Do you begin to see a pattern here? Yes, that's right, everyone else is wrong, evil, misguided, indecently motivated, and not able to see the darkness enveloping them and their sinful ways. Go to seminary school and get a collar, then you'll be able to preach to faithful flocks your moral fire and brimstone.


"Just the pathetic boasting of a guy who, although married, cannot give up his previous lifestyle."


I can think of a few things even more pathetic. Like knocking a woman up, telling her you'll marry her, then when she miscarries calling it all off and dumping her flat. That's fairly pathetic wouldn't you say?


"Who knows maybe he's no longer married,"


That's right, who knows? Not you.


"but I recall similar schoolboy tales within weeks of him getting married."


But are you somehow privy to their arrangements in their marriage? You judge, yet you have no idea what you are judging. You make assumptions, without any basis in fact except what you presume to know, even when your presumptions may be totally false.


"So lets hear it good old boy, why did you bother to get married?"


Why are you? Think about this Mr. 3. Why are you?


"I say again and for the last time, I don't tell people what to do,"


Yes, you do, and it still isn't the last time, as you keep coming back to argue your case and even ask why you don't get a 30 day suspension rather than a full boot in the ass, right over in the "Suggestions/Mod Issues" forum.


"just wish they would keep it to themselves-peter"


Just wish you would as well, and wish you'd learn to stay out of other peoples business, which you know nothing about, and learn to stay away from posts and threads and posters that you find so offensive. Or go take the time to start, build, and run a board yourself and see how successful it would be with your self-righteous bullshit and misplaced morality plays based on assumptions. I'm sure it'll be a hit. Let he who casts the first stone be without sin, Peter. Can you truly be the one to cast that first stone? Think hard, long, and deep; because I doubt you can be that one.


Is this what you consider 'hounding'? If so, get a new dictionary. I know a girl named Fon that is a real hound, gutless, but a hound none-the-less. Did ya catch that Grant?


If you wish to respond use the Siamorchid account, just so I'll know it's you, and not dump it in the trash.





Sick of the bullshit, and tired of people who can't seem to read and understand what is written, who defend these twats who want to take away your right to read and post what you want that is within the rules of this board. Why don't you zipperheads go burn some books or something? That should brighten up your evenings. Or better yet, go to church and pray for your sins, past and present, I'm sure there's a need.

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