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A refund in Thailand!


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Yesterday, I went to add 100B to my BTS card. Handed in my card and 100B. The guy noted that I had 55B remaining and took my 100B. My wife stepped in and handed me her card and we added 100B on it also. When we got off at MBK, my card only had 25B left on it. Oh well, another rip-off in the LOS I thought-no big deal, only 100B.


When we returned home, my wife decided that she was going to get that 100B back. No way, I told her, forget about it, only 100B, no worries. She said if everyone thought like me, how was Thailand ever going to change. Despite my objections, she went to the window and lodged her complaint. The guy at the window listened to the story, checked the log books to see who was on duty and had her fill out a form. Ha, lot of good that will do, I gloated.


This morning, she gets a call from the BTS. The till was over exactly 100B on that shift and we could come anytime to get the 100B added to our card. She's quite proud of herself and I suspect I'm going to be hearing about it for awhile. First refund I've ever received in Thailand!



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I agree with SoiledCowboy , it seems your wife is a very nice personn.


Wish you a long and pleasant life with her.


"I suspect I'm going to be hearing about it for awhile"


Sure, but she has the right to be proud no?





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Back in 83 I was foolish enough to pay 20 bht for a disposable lighter, my lady was straight back in the shop and came out with a 10 bht 'refund' after giving the fella a tongue lashing, this place never ceases to amaze me to. :)

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Christmas before last was in Kanchanaburi with friends for a few days.

The "boys" went out for a few !!!! drinks and we ended up at a Bar called....(Bern's Blues Bar) on what the locals call Kao San II..... { KS please delete if not appropriate to name Bar, but I feel good acts deserve publicity}

Long story short had a ball ...big night....lots of (innocent) fun and at at the end I was presented with a largish bar tab.... 3k+....no probs...paid and left

Bern and husband/ partner...John were leaving next day to go south for Visa run and mini holiday...

Next evening I ventured into same Bar for a quiet (recovery) dumsoda....

Young girl behind Bar (who I did not recognise) and had very limited English...says to me...."You Aussie John???

I say...yes that's me...and she hands me an envelope from the till addressed to "Aussie John".... I open it and it's a note from owner John with a 500baht note stapled to it.... Note says...Sorry you got billed for one round of Johnnies...that should have been on me!!!!! Please accept my apologies and have a drink on me.....

Talk about ...knock me down with a feather....I couldn't believe it.....I have kept the note as proof of one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in LOS...


So, even from a Beer Bar there is the possibility of a refund.......Amazing Thailand...indeed


Chock dee Dumsoda :) :) :)

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