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Asylum seekers do wonders.....

Guest baldrick

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Asylum seekers is a group I don't care much for. In general, there are too many of them who have no reason to seek asylum. I've had my probs with asylum seekers. I don't see why asylum seekers from Viet Nam aren't thrown out the first day. Its not a country in war or in conflicts these days.


But when it comes to Viets in Norway, stats show that in average they do very well. High education, high percentage of them working. Far better than other immigrants.


So I don't think it is an disadvantage if an area of London becomes Vietnamese, STH ::

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Surprised at the relatively light sentences (5 to 9 years in prison). In the USA, much longer sentences would certainly apply for home invasion, forcible rape, and robbery offences.


Deportation should certainly be pursued when these blokes are released from prison.

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Guest lazyphil

Pathetic prison term, at least 25 years in order for the little toe rags, still, they will have a very hard time in a falang prison, that at least makes me smile.


STH, not sure if victims were Vietnamese girls, like you I suspect yes, but its a homogenous little Essex town, I've never seen many Asians there.

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Its an industry getting people into western countries and applying as "asylum seekers".


Its the worst scum from the countries they come from. Make a bad rep for the nations they originate from, create hate towards immigrants... The asylum seeker scum I faced could have wrecked my life.


They filed a charge that I had molested a child of theirs. Just to be able to prolong the time before they were kicked out of Norway. Because a court case blocks being sent back. Luckily enough, I was with my wife the whole day and our stories fitted. The asylum seeker "lady" already had 5 charges vs. others pending with the police..


The case was dropped very fast, but being handcuffed and arrested as a suspected pedofile has left a mark..


:cussing: :onfire:

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