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Damsel in Distress


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Yout shoulda blasted da bull dyke with a forearm smash to da head. Den sat on er chest an pound her mug intoo a bleedin pulp. :boxing:


Aftah, ya coulda had dis slit licker and yer friend shook hands and make amends problem fixt. Maybe yu git luck an a treesome wooda bin suggested by dat lesbo crocodile :hubba: ya never no in da LOS


peace :angel:

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Honestly dude if u have to ask should you have got involved then you are the type of guy that should never get involved in situations he does not understand. Don't take it as a diss but it does not sound like you have any street knowledge.


You should have known by the body language, vocal tones and the way they were fighting how serious the situation was. There are fights were people are attempting to kill and seriously harm each other and other fights where someone is teaching another a lesson or to make a point about respect. Look at it like this, either the bitch was trying to kill her, collect her money or wanted to kick her ass to let her and everyone else know that she can do that.


If u had street instincts then you could have figured it out in mere seconds.



Ask yourself a few questions. Do you know when the mood of a crowd changes? Do you get a warning feeling when your in a place you should not be? Do you know how to scan a room quickly to figure out the type of people your with? Do you look for alternative exits in a club in case a fire, fight, gunshots break out? Do you know how to drop and cover when you hear gunshots and more importantly know the direction they are coming from? Do you know how to bluff, when to talk shit, not show fear and be prepared to back your shit up? Do you know when someone can whoop your arse and if they are prepared to do so? Do you know where you stand in the arse whooping hierarchy in a group? Do you know how to run for your life and get the hell out of a place?


People try to break it down to a Thai violence thing with the families and clan stuff but it isn't; it happens in every country and you can easily substitute Thai clans with gangs, friends, crew, homeys, my boys and whatever word that denotes someone that will fight with and for you. The same shit happens in NYC, LA, RIO, Capetown, Dublin, Istanbul, etc and any other place where you have people desperate to make money by any means neccessary. The street is the street. Survival of the fittest.


There is nothing fun or cool about street violence and even people that know how to navigate that stuff get caught short. So my advice to you is to get while the getting is good and suppress your shining knight instincts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
jjsushi said:

Honestly dude if u have to ask should you have got involved then you are the type of guy that should never get involved in situations he does not understand. Don't take it as a diss but it does not sound like you have any street knowledge.

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Any (part??) Burmese who would be involved with a tourist is most undoubtably below radar and illegal. Sounds like she is mixing with the wrong crowd and may have gotten herself into real trouble. Dont be one of these F$%$ing white knights in shinning armor out to save the poor damsel. Stay away for your own safety. Period. Simple.

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Street knowledge is not the issue here although I do have plenty. This was more of a cultural question. Trying to understand the whole mechanics of the road peckers. Also to maybe not make the same mistake again.

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You're pretty well on the money there. Just returned from 2 weeks spent with her and the problem seems to have resolved itself although I never did get the full story. Can't help being the white knight it's in my nature.

Hoping she got a scared enough to stay away. Time will tell.

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