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car insurance?


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A female Thai workmate and I were talking the other day, and she mentioned how she had been involved in a small car accident on the weekend. Of course I asked her what happened, and apparently some guy driving an old rattler hit her from behind at the lights. He was very apologetic of course, but told her that his brakes were not working very well, so he couldn't stop in time. She then told me that it would probably cost her about 30000 to get her car repaired. What the........!!!!!!! I told her that the guy's insurance should pay, but no.... he doesn't have insurance. Well then he should pay - but again no, he is poor with no money, so she will have to get it fixed herself. I was speechless - she seemed quite accepting of the situation, and unable to understand my frustration. Is this normal, or has she had the wool pulled over her eyes by this guy? And are you required by law to be covered by insurance? Also is there such a thing as 3rd party insurance and public liability insurance like we have in Australia?

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With 1st class insurance an agent would be called to the scene (along with the police) and the driver at fault in this situation would have to prove the ability to pay and/or be taken to the station to sort it out. With mandatory government insurance she's pretty much shit out of luck unless there is an injury and the police become actively involved. There is probably some process where she could have gotten a police report and sued the guy but that sounds like it would be a slow and costly process to try and recover only 30K baht.

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I asked her why she couldn't have sued the guy for the final cost, but she just said he was poor with no money. I sort of got the impression from her that it would not be fair to the guy to do something like that, because he has a hard life now being so poor, and that would just make it harder for him, and probably be futile anyway. Still, she is up for the cost of all this. Maybe just the Buddist way of looking at things?

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samak said:

car insurance is mandatory in Thailand. however there are many people driving around without insurance or with expired insurance. coverage can be very different.


That's my understanding also. Car owners are supposed to show proof of 3rd party insurance when annually renewing their vehicle registration, but if they don't renew their registration, or find another way around the documentation requirement, then . . .


Last month, I witnessed one of these streetcarts attached to the front of a motorcycle smash into the side of a vehicle at the intersection of Sukhumvit Sois 4 and 6. It's unlikely this bloke had any insurance or the means to pay the damage. The car driver did phone the police to come, but I had no idea how this was resolved.

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