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Would you live with HIV+ lady


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Simple, lets say by some medical accisent darLek god forbid became infected, my love or pssaion to wouldn;t change.


If I "fell" for someone wh owas HIV harder to say, but given it;s not the death sentance it once was, again I;d still say yes.


My best mate who has been HIV + for over 15 years now has a partner who has been with him for 10 of those years and is still not infected thanks to safe sex and good luck (condom not breaking etc)



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Depends on 2 situations I guess......


If you do live with a lady who then at a later stage would develop HIV, then I would definitely stick it out with her.

But if you are single and then meet a HIV infected lady, then yes, that would close the door for me.




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It is a subject that I haven't thought about -- but someone being ill or having a medical condition shouldn't change how you feel about them.


If is far easier for a man to give AIDS to a woman than the other way around. You would be best to use two condoms and special gells if you were having sex with someone that had the condition.


There was an interesting case in Greece where a man went to jail for giving his g/f AIDS -- even though he knew he was infected he didn't tell her.

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the risks are low from woman to man depending on if you are circumcised or not. The actor in Starsky and Hutch ,Glazer, his wife was infected with HIV from a hospital transfusion unbeknown to him. he was having sex for 2 years without knowing she was infected . he never became HIV + .

1 of my old partners had HIV and i never got infected .

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I pray that I never fall in Love for over an hour again. If I Loved a Lady that was HIV+, I would have to consider how she caught the virus or was exposed. Anything other than drug related, I would have to consider staying with her. But if she endangered herself and ultimately me by using drugs, then I probably WOULD NOT STAY. I've used the girls on the streets of Germany and spent many dollars in Amsterdam. even Pig Alle was nice. Never been anything other than Negative, even the little critters. I used protection and good hygiene. But I still have my first line of coke to do, my first needle into my arm for a high(other than morphine, in a hospital) and all that other stuff. Actually I'm crazy enough straight without drugs!

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Yes, I did, so what?


In what is it different from living with someone in a wheel chair, or suffering from multiple sclerose or any other serious disease :dunno:


As Jonathan Mann, the first director of Global Programme on AIDS at WHO who died together with his wife in Swissair flight 111 Nova Scotia accident on 2 sept 1998 said: "Locking the doors of the city did not stop the pest to decimate the cities inhabitants, therefore we should not stigmatise people who are HIV+"


He implemented a compassionate strategy to slow down the spread of AIDS.


I learned from him that adhering to a few simple rules makes life a lot easier than living with a wheel chair patient or many other serious disease affected people.


Living with a HIV+ person is not a big deal really.

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If you do live with a lady who then at a later stage would develop HIV, then I would definitely stick it out with her.

But if you are single and then meet a HIV infected lady, then yes, that would close the door for me.


Exactly my thinking as well.

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