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Australia Day


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Sometimes i forget im australian until some cunt tries to mimick an aussie accent and ends up sounding like a camp south african.


LOL ! I think the clowns who do the accents on 'The Simpsons' should be shot - they routinely have us sounding like South Africans or (worse) some sort of simple-minded Cockney. Hilarious to hear Americans try to say 'Gidday' or 'Aussie' : less hilarious to hear the mid-Atlantic accents that some of our Hollywood elite have adopted since leaving these shores.


On a more serious note, Australia Day isnt seen as cause for celebration by many of our indigenous brothers, one of whom burnt the flag in Brissie as a form of protest. I dont endorse it, but I think that lad needs to remember that we live in a country where that sort of protest is tolerated - at least 70% of the world isnt quite so fortunate. Happily, no-one from Sydney seems to have been set upon by a gang of middle-Eastern youths over the last 24 hours, so I'm going to go out and get hammered tonight ::





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