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Thais are useless!


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[color:"red"] Now she wants me to send an e- mail to her ex boyfriend to send money to pay for it. Go figure. I guess she is still adjusting. [/color]


Would it be easier to understand if she wanted you to pay? Seems like sources of money for her is from a man no matter who he is.


Not intend to flame there, just my observation.




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[color:"red"] Every time that my Issan wife pulls the car out she either A. hits the side of the garage and/or B. drives over the lawn leaving tire tracks and/or C. shifts the car from Reverse to Drive while the car is still in motion which kills the automatic transmission. Thais aren't useless. They are very usefull in driving the farang completely nuts! [/color]


Ok, when in winter, the garage shrinks and because the car was in the garage (warmer), the car is still in the normal shape, so she hits the side of the garage. If it is in summer, the car expanded, ok?


As for the lawn, we wanted to test how well it can hold the weight of the car, if the tracks show, you need to plant more grass!


The last one, shifting to reverse, I have not done it yet, will try on my husband's 2 seater Mercedez. If I am harmed in anyway, it is your fault for suggesting it in the post!!!! :D :D :D


[color:"red"] Thais aren't useless. They are very usefull in driving the farang completely nuts! [/color]


Never a dull moment, eh?? :: ::



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It can be from up-bringing (however, they seem to think their Thai men can get away with not working), but it is more likely what they think of the "farangs".


Some people don't mind parting with thier money, but watch out for the limit for there is often no ending for the demand.


Money is the worst motivation in just about every situation and relationship. At work, have you seen anyone who makes enough money?


It was a kind of funny when my husband told his boss (mine too) that the last pay raise, he did not expect that much!! So, I tried to convince my boss to give me some percentage of my husband's raise and it did not work, wonder why!!! Cannot win all!!! :: ::



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