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My Brother-in-law just came back from BKK, where he made an OTC purchase of Acylovir - both cream and pills - for his recurring Genital Herpes. Problem is, the pill packaging is in Thai (no problem with the cream, thats in English). for some reason, he thought I could read Thai :cool: which of course i cannot.

He wants to know the daily dosage - anyone have any idea?

Also, I'm not an expert, but is this the best med to reduce frequency of Herpes outbreaks?

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Best treatment depends on which drug salesman you talk to. All 3 are effective and generally tolerated well.

Recurrent attacks:

Acyclovir-400mg tid or 200mg 5xday-for 5 days

Valacyclovir-500mg tid for 3 days

Famciclovir-125mg bid for 5 days


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Hello tomc12,


The regimen recommendations you cite: are they for shortening the duration of an outbreak, or for diminishing the frequency of outbreaks?


I thought that if one were having frequent outbreaks, say one every few weeks, that the recommended duaration of drug therapy was at least two months, perhaps more, depending upon who's prescribing.


Also, what's your opinion of the cream? I thought that it was essentially a waste of money, that being a viral outbreak, it would just run it's course ... although I have heard (and read) that when one first contracts herpes, the cream may ease the discomfort of the lesions. But, for most, the severity of the symptoms diminish with future outbreaks and the cream may not be needed. I don't think there is any proof that the topical cream shortens an outbreak.

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As far as I can remember, acyclovir here is sold in a range of strengths, ranging from 100 to 800mgs per tab. If the instructions are all in Thai, they are likely to be locally made - and, these are generally about 50% as active (although it varies!) as western products. Overall, I would suggest he dumps them and goes to a western practitioner to get something properly prescribed.


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Regimen is for a recurrent attack.

Suppressive therapy:

Acyclovir 400mg bid or 200mg tid

Valacyclovir 500-1000mg per day

Famciclovir 250mg bid

Suppressive therapy is generally for individuals with over 6 outbreaks/year, no set time limit, and dose may be adjusted depending on response.


Penciclovir cream and Acyclovir ointment have a limited effect and the cost/benefit ratio is poor.

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