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I'm just wondering how many guys here play an instrument and record their music as well. I've had a 4-track digital recorder (Boss BR-532) for a few years now and spend a fair amount of time (when I'm not ranting on the other Forums) laying down tracks. I've even invested in a MIDI capable guitar and so can add "horns" and "strings" etc.


Anyway, if anybody would care to exchange stuff, that would make my day. I would love to hear what guys are playing.


There are dedicated sites on the 'net for music, of course, but I find them overwhelmingly slanted towards teenage Heavy Metal freaks. Plus, the general tone of these sites makes thai360.com look like a garden party.


Anybody interested?

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What kind of music do you like?


I do like heavy metal by the way (all kinds of HM) as well as many other kinds of music. Actually the fact that some people don't like heavy metal deeply troubles me. It's like saying you don't like food or something else that is essential. Not liking Radiohead or Frank Sinatra is understandable (if misguided perhaps). But metal? dude - all other forms of music are just there to listen to in between headbanging sessions.




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Sorry, I realized 24 hrs after posting that I kind of left out one small detail: I like to play rock, pop, blues, country and swing. Regarding heavy metal, if AC~DC, Led Zep, Cream etc. are HM, then I most certainly like that too. I tend to think of HM as endless study and playing of modes and diminished and augmented scales and God knows what. I admire the dedication of the players, but the old bluesy pentatonic feel is what I like best.

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I played Electric Guitar, and yes, i played Metal in the 80s. I had some electrix harmonix and I

I played very loud but lousy. Long Ago.

Lucky, no records available.

A few weeks ago i have find a bag full of black guitar-plectrums with my nickname on it in my flat.

I'm think since a while about a re-start of my fantastic career. Be Warned!

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kind of related, anyone run into the "Chang Noi" (little elephant) guy? BIG farang guitar player whom it seems has been in thailand for a while.


I remember him from 3-4 years ago playing some decent blues guitar with wireless mic, walking out into sukhumvit traffic while soloing, his band playing at the beer "garden" around sukhumvit 14 or so...lately, though, his performances have not impressed me.


what is interesting about him, though, is how he makes the rounds of bars like Cathouse, openly selling weed to farangs...what the fuck? a secret wish to spend time in a thai jail or what?!



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Well, if anybody's making tracks and needs a country style lap steel guitar (or even pedal steel as long as it's not too fancy) or bass or whatever, PM me. I even have a cheapo Yamaha MIDI drum pad thing which usually sounds better to me than programmed drums.

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