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US imposes sanctions on Thailand


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OH, if you want to find a line in american foreign policy good luck! :)


Haven't even heard Dr Condolezza could explain that.


1. Terrorist are the biggest enemy, all supporting the war against terrorism actively are good guys!


2. In the rest of the world the US like good christian democratic governments.


3. Except in countries with oil where a not so democratic regime controlled by the US is always better.


So demorcrcy is just supported in those few countries without oil and not supporting the war against terrorism!


I hope the next president will have a higher IQ than his age. That said, I still think that GWB is doing a good job at least at the foreign policy scene.

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Where GWB falls down significantly has been in both foeign policy and environmental issues. Both have been dramatic steps actually leaps backward. The two most important areas that the next president will have to fix..


The effects of economic domestic policies are usually a carry-over from previous adminstrations. Reagonomics is still having an impact on the average US citizen.


Now regarding the recession next year in the US, i am sure glad i wasn't one of those americans who bought expensive real estate say in the last 5 years. Expect a lot of mortgage defaults as downward values gain speed..



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I wish the USA would at least for once shut up!

Symbolic or not, the coup was a peaceful act and Thaksin was a corrupt man, untill next elections not much will change and the country is not facing another civil war, weakening the military who are supposed to look over the situation is another stupid action of the Holy Americans!


I am not even sure if Bush would find Thailand on the map in less than a minute!


Well, Bush is corrupt too, maybe he was sympathising with Thaksin!

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