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Fox Announces Venezuela/Islamic Jihadist Connection


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Fox Announces Venezuela/Islamic Jihadist Connection

Reported by Donna - October 17, 2006 - 35 comments

Today on Studio B with Shepard Smith he had a segment with William La Jeunesse on a new government report that claims there is a connection between Venezuela President Hugo Chavez and Islamic Jihadists.


This was also reported on yesterday on Studio B. First Smith said, "A new government report that the Venezeula President has tipped off potential terrorists and is training them to enter the United States undetected. Now, if that sounds crazy, remember El Diablo."


La Jeunesse reported first about the South American cartels then focused on Venezuela. He reported that aliens were being smuggled out of the middle east to a staging area off Venezuela, Marguerite Island, where it says that President Hugo Chavez is teaching these Arabs to speak Spanish, blend in as Latinos, they then get emigration documents to get them into Mexico, then they head for the border.


He added that in Texas just in the last 4 months that illegals from Afghanistan, China, Iraq, and two from Pakistan with Venezuela documents had been arrested..


He then switched to a video with Michael McCane (R-Texas) congressman:


"Venezuela, in my view and Mr. Chavez, pose some of the greatest risk to this country given his alliance and his friendship with the islamic jihadist world."



Fox provides a good guage for upcoming Bush admin action.


Any bets on how long it will be before action is taken against Venezuela?


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Ha! ND. It is the car that the Pakistani government imported in massive numbers to wipe out the public transportation / mass unemployment problems in one fell swoop. As a result the country is awash with little yellow Mehrans, many of which are falling apart. However, the new models are quite good and very popular.



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Fox' reporters must be members of the 84 % group.


GWB was the american agent of the bin Ladin family.


OBL was trained and financed by CIA.


Cheneys old company has made billions in Iraq.



The only logical explanation is that Al-Qaeda is a secret CIA operation with purpose to increase the oil price and scam consumers and using the war in Iraq to scam the US taxpayers! Or? :cool:


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google is also part of the conspiracy - after writing the post above google changed my selection of ads:


Stem Cell Therapy - Heart

Get Treated for Heart Disease Using Your Own Stem Cells in Thailand!



Please google, my heart is the only thing in really good condition in my body, to offer me a new liver is a better idea... :beer:


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