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Dutch to Ban Muslim Veils


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CS, it is more a law about integration of cultures into their own!


When in the sixties the immigrants or guest workers (mostly turkish) started to flood european countries because we needed working hands, they were very keen to adapt a lot of our cultures, learning the language, they were avoiding to be too different. Considering these times and that the people in western europe haven't seen too many different looking people, the integration process was very smooth.


Nowadays it is different, people don't come here because they are needed anymore. A lot of them don't even try to learn the language anymore, they build their own communities and stick together. Hence, if they don't learn the language they wont get a job etc... Germany, Holland, France have huge security nets for these kind of people and the laws in these countries have giant loop holes which they know about and they exploit them on purpose. I am not racist at all, I happen to live in a city which has one of the highest percantages of muslims in Germany. Everybody knows why they come but it is not political correct to talk about it!


The dutch are doing the right thing, they wanna keep their money in their own pockets and dont wanna give it to Aliens who are too lazy to work and impossible to deport, since they usually throw away their passports after they came here to visit. In which country you deport a person who FORGOT where he lives. The muslims are huge drama queens, you say something bad about them or their religion or you try to question their religion and you will see you countries flag burning on TV.

It is very smart of the dutch to make a law which doesn't allow them to express their culture the way they want to, it will piss new immigrants off and they will rather go to another country. Those who are honest and do good work will most likely comply because they don't wanna jeopardize their good new life, those fucking slackers who live from the taxes that hard working people pay to their countries will have to make a decission, either they start complying or they have to leave!


That is the whole idea behind it. It has nothing to do with 911 or any other terrorist threats, if people wanna live with us they have to be more like us and have to stop creating sub cummunities.

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Immigrants to the US used to want to integrate and become as American as possible too. Many children didn't even learn their parents' language, and by the second born American generation the immigrants' descendants almost completely had forgotten the old language and old ways.


But not much any more. Immigrants demand children be educated in the immigrants' language, not in English! I remember a school district near me bringing in teachers from Mexico to teach American born children their heritage and to be proud Mexicans. Uh, beg pardon ... they are American citizens! If they want to learn about Mexico, no problem ... but don't expect taxpayers to foot the bill.


Ironically, this does not seem to hold true for Asian imigrants. The American born children of Thais, Cambodians, Vietnamese and Chinese invariably seem to show no interest in their parents' language and cultures. Go figure.





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Exactly what you said is true!


Interesting is the part about demands! Hmm, I am damn thankful the thai government gave a young bloke like me a residence visa with an renewing option, I would never demand anything, it was my wish to live here and I am happy every morning when I realise that I am living my dream!


If those muslims, hispanics, africans etc.. make over to another country they should respect the traditions, culture and behavior over there just as I respect the Thai Culture as a farang. IMO they have absolutely no right to demand anything, wanna live like at home? .... go back home! Sorry if that sounds racists but IMO the bigger countries gave in too many crap and whenever we reject one of their wishes they burn our countries flag.


Remember that Denmark Cartoon? One newspaper publishes one charicature of mohamed and an entire country was hated.

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