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No Ticket If You Can Rap


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A cop made black suspect rap in order to get out of a ticket.


Part of me was upset being black, but I am a little embarassed to admit I also laughed at the thought as well.


So, do Irish Americans have to perform a raindance? :D


From what I can tell the cop was being a bit lighthearted and probably meant no harm. Not to excuse it or would like to see it happen again though.


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Personally I think this is one of those situations where people are reacting too much to nothing.


It's a lose-lose for the officer either way. Give him a ticket and be blamed about doing X. Give him an option out (which they gladly accepted instead of a ticket) and you get this.


Personally I would prefer to rap, do a rain dance, w/e instead of paying the ticket.

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I also suspect the cop was being light-hearted and trying to be a good guy.


With respect to Irish-Americans, I don't know what would happen today. But, when I was in my late teens many of my friends fathers were in the police department and if we were driving and drunk my friends would identify their fathers and we would be told OK, but, promise to go directly home. Seemed great at the time. But, 3 friends were in a convertible sports car, drunk, and out of control. Totalled 7 parked cars but fortunately for them, they were thrown out of the car they were in and all 3 survived.


But, many others died doing the same.


So, much as I hate to admit it, I think strict enforcement of all driving laws is probably best.


No Rap, no Irish rain-dance.

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So, much as I hate to admit it, I think strict enforcement of all driving laws is probably best.


Gotta agree with that. At home, I use a lot of taxis, going by the rule of 'How much you wanna pay, 10 bucks or 10,000 bucks?' It makes sense.


My car has been parked at a bar for three days now. ;)


My best drunk driving story, and I still have lower back pain from it, was from my teenage years. Traveling along Sunset Blvd., between parties, my buddy lost control of his Firebird at the corner of Rockingham, where OJ would have turned off to go home. :)


We hit a tree and the car spun in the air a few times before stopping in the middle of the road (according to a girl in a car behind us). The rear right mag wheel, that I was sitting right above, was splintered all over the street.


When the LAPD showed up, we were sitting on the curb. One of the cops, after admonishing my friend for almost lighting up a cigarette while the gutter was full of gasoline, had a word with us.


It was the 70's, but this guy was a throwback to black and white television. A blond, crew cut guy. Looked like a young Sergeant Malloy from 'Adam 12', if anyone remembers that show.


He was dead serious when he said, "I've seen it before. A fast car, a hot corner, and a guy who thinks he can make it."


We all busted up laughing, thinking we were caught in a time warp and may have ended up in a James Dean movie.


The driver was not arrested for DUI, not even tested. That would never happen nowadays.

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