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Pantip back in business


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Thank Buddha!

Went to panthip 3 days ago. Like KS said, it was more low-key than the way it was before.

let's keep the morality in check please. "to each his own"

Last I checked, Bill Gates is worth 53 BILLION dollars and still is the wealthiest man in the world for upteenth consecutive year. He lost like 5 or so billion. Boohoo!


You realize that billy "bob" gates "stole" the windows concept from apple. And apple "borrowed" the windows concept from Xerox.

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The fact remains that the "windows" concept did originate from Xerox PARC. I believe it was first implemented on the Xerox Star.

I thought it was hilarious when Apple sued Micro$haft for stealing the windoes idea that they themselves had stolen earlier. HA HA HA HA



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IMO it has never been out of business.

The cd shops close up when the police are around or sellers arrested and open up once again after the police have left or the sellers have returned once fines have been paid.

Certainly the police have been more active in recent months and according to my information visitng the Plaza on a constant if not daily basis and hanging around for longer periods of time.

Some sellers have decided it is not worth the effort and have converted their stores to sell other merchandise.

Panthip has certainly been the focus of the intensified crackdown on copyright infrngements, but the local press talk of it spreading to other locations in the near future.

This might 'ease' the situation at Panthip in the short term. Surely only so many police can be used for this crackdown

However on the over hand it was also recently reported that the top cop responsible for copyright infringement issues was recently transfered to another position pending an investigation into allegations that he had personally benefitted from this most recent crackdown.

Guilty or innocent it would appear that some people have been hurting from this crackdown

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Have only had one item of software from Pantip that was below par - the rest all worked perfectly, even the DVD's - this I guess is what competition amongst the vendors does - the shortcut and dodgy merchants would go out of business quickly. And surpisingly, because I am obviously a tourist when there, one would expect an odd item or to that is not ok to be passed onto the unsuspecting farang, but I have not really found that. In fact, with the one (time-limited beta) that expired and would no longer work, took it back and they were most apologetic and replaced it on the spot.

Not promoting piracy, but it must be said, that some Pantip vendors are quite creative and are eager to please a customer - a rare thing in any land!

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At the risk of sounding like a Coke-bottled glasses wearing Geek, I must admit I always go into Pantip Plaza like a young kid in a lolly shop! All that software - yes please - i'll have one of that.....and one of that....and one of.......... Last visit, I managed to haul the b/g out of the nearby Gold shop empty-handed laugh.gif" border="0 and drag her to Pantip where two hours later she had to help carry all the hardware/software back to the hotel. Ah, sweet revenge!

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IMO it has never been out of business.

The cd shops close up when the police are around or sellers arrested and open up once again after the police have left or the sellers have returned once fines have been paid.

It's worth cracking down, even if the only result is to move the transactions underground. When it is completely out in the open it supports the idea that there is nothing wrong with piracy. It may be a small difference, but there are some people who are on the fence and may now choose to do the ethical thing.

However, some could say the same thing about prostitution.

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I just met with the guy who was supposed to pay me for the remainder of the English translation. He wiggled his way out of payment. They didn't get the response they hoped for, and hence not the money. But he will buy me a few beers to show him the farang go-go scene! And give me some free CDs. After this message, we hit the bars...




By the way, I asked him why they wanted an English translation. He said that Thais buy CDs one or two at a time, but farangs buy them in stacks at a time, often 10, 20 or 30 CDs for one customer at one stop!




They like the girls to flirt with the foreigners to get sales. But the girls are just doing sales, not really flirting, and usually would not want to go with any farang. In addition to language barriers and their reputation, they also have an image of farang men and f&f.




I've gone to the other places around Bangkok and looked around, and it's awesome. They're showing covers on the walls, touting Thai MP3 at the front, etc. Only Pantip isn't "showing". If the Thai music producing companies and Thai software developers can't shut them down, how can a foreigner?




As for the foreign trade representatives pushing for an assault on Pantip Plaza, Pantip is like the Battle of the Bulge. They will eventually lose that battle. They don't know the meaning of the word "nuts!" As for the war, well, CD-R drives would be the nukes if pushed that far.




The main winners are the established heavy mafia, the lawyers and the mercenary proxies of the Western software companies.




In the crackdown, that is. As for the BSA's assaults on rich multinational companies, that's the right way to go about it.





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