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Shit flash - why is it all your problem?


While I am a die hard Palastinian supporter, I don't for a minute doubt what happened under the Germans to the Jews and otehrs.


In fact to me that makes the whole problem that much crueler,


In moments of kindness I equate the Zionists with Children who where abused going on to become abusers themselves.


Very sad, and to doubt it very strange, only thing I do find interesting is the law that says to doubt is a offence in law in many european countries.


I can't quite grasp that one



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you have posted Lybia's Jewish population before zionist mass murdering began as a justification for additional zionist murder.


you have used jewish distribution in arab lands pre israel vs post israel as justification for additional stereo-typical :tophat: zionist :tophat: land theft.


you have contended that arab (mis)identification of all jews as :clown: zionist :clown: as grounds to justify continued zionist murder & land theft.


the arabs have simply reacted to zionist butchery.


the Beruit Barraks were in response to Sharon's butchery at Sabra.

911 was in reaction to amoral zionism.


:bangit: mel mel mel mel mel mel mel :bangit:


& a. sharon is a man of peace .. & all zionist that supported him, & his likud ilk, deserve all the "virgins" due to them.

:ghost: may allah put all zionist womens be on 30 day rags .. now that would be extreme retribution. :ghost:

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flash has DEFINATELY posted that because arab countries had been unfair to jewish people it was ok for Zionist to continue with settlements.


as documentation for zionist actions, flash authored a long post on the % of jews in lybia in 1948 & today.

in effect blamed the status of jews in Lybia on Israel.


in that thread, Flash bragged that he had been staff at the Post & had written an article in the Post about Lybia .. something about Kadifi (sp) visiting LOS.


no doubt .. no question .. guarenteed.


will search now.

& found


19-11-06 01:52 PM - Post#546021



In 1945, there were between 758,000 and 866,000 Jews (see table below) living in communities throughout the Arab world. Today, there are fewer than 7,000. In some Arab states, such as Libya (which was once around 3% Jewish), the Jewish community no longer exists; in other Arab countries, only a few hundred Jews remain."


+ :monkey:


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the fact was presented to bolster his anti Palestinian / anti Arab position .. pro zionism position


:worship: what the fact did was document that zionism is bad for jews globally. :worship:

jews in libya suffered due to zionism

jews in arab countries suffered because of zionism


"I didn't know the gun was loaded is not a defense .. " :sex: Flash pulled the trigger on anti zionist data .. & is guilty of anti zionism :sex: just as the "I didn't know the gun was loaded" trigger puller is guilty of murder / man slaughter.



because of zionist murder / theft anti-semitism is rampant .. in Europe & the US

during / after the US supported zionist attacks on lebanon anti semitism reached new heights.


his position is ultimately anti zionist

:deal: & puts the current global anti-semitism blame exactly where Mel wants it .. on the zionist.


the wars are about zionism.

911 was about zionism

Iraq was pushed hardest by hard line zionist .. wolfawitz, pearle, feithe, abrams & cheney.

to the extent that THEY created intelligence & repeatedly lied to the dopes in congress & the US


tony is simply a eager to please poodle that fetches well for the zionist.



& Iran will be directed by the zionist cabal in Cheney's bureaucracy.

2 of cheneys zionistr stooges have already been outed providing war information to zionist spys in washington.

more zionist spys in US jails than russian or arab.



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